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helgebetzinger edited this page Oct 7, 2014 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the coasync4cpp wiki! coasync4cpp allows to write async code without callbacks using async/await/task! For C++11!

This wiki is the main source of documentation for developers working with (or contributing to) the coasync4cpp project.

We want to make it super-easy for coasync4cpp users and contributors to talk to us and connect with each other, to share ideas, solve problems and help make coasync4cpp awesome. Here are the main channels we're running currently, we'd love to hear from you on one of them:


coasync4cpp issues

If you spot a bug or want to brainstorm a potential new feature, then please raise an issue in our main GitHub project (helgebetzinger/coasync4cpp); likewise if you have developed a cool new feature or improvement in your coasync4cpp fork, then send us a pull request!



If you found no answer here, then don't by shy and ask the community. Tag your question with an 'coasync4cpp' tag.


[email protected]

If you want to talk directly to us (e.g. about a commercially sensitive issue), email is the easiest way.

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