- Download Files
- Edit the HTML File
- Replace Python Files
- Restart Stable Diffusion
Download all files.
In the HTML file, you will find TWO instances of the following line:
Update these lines with your actual file path. For example:
On Windows: file:///C:/yourpath/stable-diffusion-webui/outputs/saved.png
On Linux file:///home/yourpath/stable-diffusion-webui/outputs/saved.png
Save the file and close it.
First, create backups of the existing progress.py and images.py files located in the stable-diffusion-webui/modules/ directory.
Download the new progress.py and images.py files. Replace the original files in the stable-diffusion-webui/modules/ directory with the downloaded ones.
After making these changes, restart Stable Diffusion. You can then open your HTML file from any desired location and start using it.
If you are not using AUTOMATIC1111's v1.9.4, you may need to manually edit the files instead of replacing them. I haven't tested another versions. Just in case I will show how to do it manually.
- Open stable-diffusion-webui/modules/images.py in a text editor.
- Search for
namegen = FilenameGenerator(p, seed, prompt, image)
using Ctrl+F. - Below that line, add the following code block:
current_dir = os.getcwd()
file_path_temp = os.path.join(current_dir, "outputs", "saved.png")
Save the file and close it.
- Open stable-diffusion-webui/modules/progress.py in a text editor.
- Add
import os
to the import section. - Replace the entire
function with the following code:
def progressapi(req: ProgressRequest):
active = req.id_task == current_task
queued = req.id_task in pending_tasks
completed = req.id_task in finished_tasks
if not active:
textinfo = "Waiting..."
if queued:
sorted_queued = sorted(pending_tasks.keys(), key=lambda x: pending_tasks[x])
queue_index = sorted_queued.index(req.id_task)
textinfo = "In queue: {}/{}".format(queue_index + 1, len(sorted_queued))
return ProgressResponse(active=active, queued=queued, completed=completed, id_live_preview=-1, textinfo=textinfo)
progress = 0
job_count, job_no = shared.state.job_count, shared.state.job_no
sampling_steps, sampling_step = shared.state.sampling_steps, shared.state.sampling_step
if job_count > 0:
progress += job_no / job_count
if sampling_steps > 0 and job_count > 0:
progress += 1 / job_count * sampling_step / sampling_steps
progress = min(progress, 1)
# Check if progress is 95% or more
if progress >= 0.95:
return ProgressResponse(active=False, queued=False, completed=True, id_live_preview=-1, textinfo="Completed")
elapsed_since_start = time.time() - shared.state.time_start
predicted_duration = elapsed_since_start / progress if progress > 0 else None
eta = predicted_duration - elapsed_since_start if predicted_duration is not None else None
live_preview = None
id_live_preview = req.id_live_preview
if opts.live_previews_enable and req.live_preview:
if shared.state.id_live_preview != req.id_live_preview:
image = shared.state.current_image
if image is not None:
buffered = io.BytesIO()
if opts.live_previews_image_format == "png":
if max(*image.size) <= 256:
save_kwargs = {"optimize": True}
save_kwargs = {"optimize": False, "compress_level": 1}
save_kwargs = {}
image.save(buffered, format=opts.live_previews_image_format, **save_kwargs)
base64_image = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode('ascii')
live_preview = f"data:image/{opts.live_previews_image_format};base64,{base64_image}"
id_live_preview = shared.state.id_live_preview
#Saves our live previews temporarily.
current_dir = os.getcwd()
file_path_temp = os.path.join(current_dir, "outputs", "saved.png")
return ProgressResponse(active=active, queued=queued, completed=completed, progress=progress, eta=eta, live_preview=live_preview, id_live_preview=id_live_preview, textinfo=shared.state.textinfo)
Save the file and close it.