Releases: helxplatform/helx-ui
Releases · helxplatform/helx-ui
What's Changed
- fix backtop styling by @frostyfan109 in #322
- Adding config options for resources on support page, and enable guided tour by @hina-shah in #323
Full Changelog: 6.4.1...6.4.2
What's Changed
- Normalize concept and variable view scores, and fix concept and variable button disappearance by @hina-shah in #306
- BUG: Some special characters are lost during search by @hina-shah in #310
- ENH: Change support page title by @hina-shah in #312
- ENH: Adding study linkages to CDE tab in concept card by @hina-shah in #308
- STYLE: changing text for explanation tab by @hina-shah in #313
- Dug Guided Tour by @frostyfan109 in #300
- Variable view rewrite & consistent data source coloring by @frostyfan109 in #311
- fix typo in concept modal tab css by @frostyfan109 in #314
- fix simple search explanation, fix typos by @frostyfan109 in #315
- STYLE: Study link should appear after title by @hina-shah in #317
- Fix a couple bugs from the guided tour by @frostyfan109 in #318
Full Changelog: 6.3.0...6.4.0
What's Changed
- Actions v2 by @pchachicho in #303
- Update the maximum number of search results from /search_var by @gaurav in #304
- Add configurable asset url by @frostyfan109 in #305
New Contributors
- @pchachicho made their first contribution in #303
Full Changelog: 6.2.0...6.3.0
What's Changed
- Add new event parameters for purposes of tracking MRR by @frostyfan109 in #296
- Add several "branding" options for configurations. by @hina-shah in #297
- Improve app errors by @frostyfan109 in #298
Full Changelog: 6.1.1...6.2.0
What's Changed
- Adding Trivy Scan,updates to actions and readme by @joshua-seals in #291
- Updating login page/signup page text by @hina-shah in #293
- Fix spacing in copyright footer by @frostyfan109 in #289
Full Changelog: v6.1.0...6.1.1
What's Changed
- FEAT: Adding a setting to configure the landing space for the website by @hina-shah in #286
Full Changelog: 6.0.1...6.1.0
What's Changed
- Hopefully actually fix activity monitor/logout bug by @frostyfan109 in #284
Full Changelog: 6.0.0...6.0.1
What's Changed
- Remove High & Medium level vulnerabilities at image level by @ptlharit2 in #262
- Feature/dug 0.9 UI by @frostyfan109 in #263
- Remove packages with CVEs by @ptlharit2 in #264
- Dug 1.0 UI features by @frostyfan109 in #265
- fix: Add back missing packages to Docker image by @frostyfan109 in #266
- Variable view improvements by @frostyfan109 in #268
- Update support page to include HEAL-specific documentation by @gaurav in #269
- Use context.meta.title in footer and mobile menu header by @mbwatson in #270
- Analytics V2 by @frostyfan109 in #273
- Adds updated HEAL support links by @gaurav in #274
- Remove counts from concept modal and minor lint fixes by @gaurav in #272
- Add support for custom branded favicons by @frostyfan109 in #275
- Non root by @pj-linebaugh in #276
- Alter readiness check to use the is_ready API endpoint by @waTeim in #278
- BUG: adjust workspace tablist to avoid jyttery effect on Windows by @hina-shah in #279
- Fix bug in activity monitor for removed apps by @frostyfan109 in #281
- Add extra constraint to fully fix activity monitor removed app bug hopefully by @frostyfan109 in #282
New Contributors
- @ptlharit2 made their first contribution in #262
- @gaurav made their first contribution in #269
Full Changelog: v5.1.0...6.0.0
What's Changed
- Fixes #284 (activity monitor may not update when two apps are launched at the same time) by @frostyfan109 in #250
- fix: Add missing useCallback dependency by @frostyfan109 in #255
- Fix typo in app delete text by @frostyfan109 in #253
- Add concept identifier information by @frostyfan109 in #257
- UI ATO Compliance by @frostyfan109 in #254
- Redo workspaces api/context coupling and responsibilities by @frostyfan109 in #256
- Fix login form error messages by @frostyfan109 in #258
- Remove test bool that hid event logs in activity monitor by @frostyfan109 in #259
- Bump minor version by @frostyfan109 in #260
Full Changelog: 5.0.0...5.1.0