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Jenkins starts on port 8080 by default

Two ways to install and run Jenkins:

  • install the Jenkins app on the OS directly
  • run Jenkins image and start Jenkins as a docker container

--> Open port 50000 on Jenkins: here Jenkins master and worker nodes communicate --> Jenkins can be built and started as a cluster if you have large workloads that you are running with Jenkins --> Initial Jenkins password is located at: /var/volume_name/secrets/initialadminpassword

  • spin up an EC2 instance on AWS

  • open port 22 (for ssh) and port 8080(access jenkins externally) in inbound rules for the security group attached

  • we will run Jenkins's official image to start Jenkins on the Ubuntu server

  • For this, we need the installation of docker on the server

  • sudo apt update

  • sudo apt install image

  • By default, the Docker daemon socket is only accessible to users in the "docker" group. You can add your current user to this group using the following command:

  • sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

  • docker login

  • enter username & password or PAT to login image

  • Starting Jenkins on the server sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins

    image image

  • Access Jenkins UI from the browser image

  • setup password by giving the initial password stored at the location mentioned in the UI cat /var/volume_name/secrets/initialadminpassword image

  • when we log in to the Jenkins container --> we are logged in as a Jenkins user instead of a root user as by default Jenkins is started as a Jenkins user (security best practice)

  • install the plugins manually or automatically image

  • setup the first admin user

  • Jenkins is up and running image

  • inspect the Jenkins mount volume location docker volume inspect jenkins_home image

  • we can manage and configure build tools and package managers from the Tools tab under the manage Jenkins option: image

  • To log in as a root user to the Jenkins container, use -u flag : image

  • installing nodejs and NPM in the container, we logged in as root user

  • checking the Linux distro container is using image

  • download node: curl -fsSL | bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs image

    apt-get install -y nodejs image

  • Creating a job:

    • under new item -> create a job or directly from the UI itself

    • freestyle for demo purposes/ small projects, learning Jenkins etc

    • for the Production environment, we will be using pipeline and multipipeline jobs

    • on clicking the build now button, the job gets run image

    • we can see the console output on clicking that tab image

    • integrate with the GitHub account to start the build process as soon as changes are committed to the repo image

    • the build now takes longer than the previous one because of this integration image image

    • added new branch "jenkins-job", created script to print npm version image

    • build this branch in Jenkins image

    • in the shell command give execute permission to Jenkins user to run image

    • run the build image

    • to run and build docker artifacts inside jenkins , we need to make docker available inside the jenkins container docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(which docker):/usr/bin/docker jenkins/jenkins these two volumes make docker commands available inside the jenkins container

    • now we have docker commands available inside the jenkins container image

    • the Jenkins service user doesnt have permission to read, execute docker commands yet image now we are able to execute all the docker commands in the jenkins container image

  • Running a simple test from maven plugin

  • we integrate the git repo, give the branch name where the code is pushed recently , run maven test (runs a simple test file ) and maven package (packages if test is successful into a jar file) git repo: image



    build results: image image

  • To make docker available inside the jenkins container, (docker commands available while building jobs), we need to mount the docker runtime directory from the server/local host to the jenkins container as a volume ie(need to mount additional two volumes: docker volume and docker runtime volume (cmds gets executed from here/ docker executable binary location)


  • Add permission to jenkins user to execute docker commands image

    -- not working, getting docker cli not found error image

  • stop the jenkins container and run docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins

  • login to the jenkins container and install docker docker exec -it — user root <container id> /bin/bash

  • installing docker curl > dockerinstall && chmod 777 dockerinstall && ./dockerinstall

  • The above command downloads and executes the Docker rapid installation script from, which further installs Docker within the container.

  • adding sufficient permissions to execute docker commands as jenkins service user sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

  • login as jenkins user and try to run docker run hello-world image


  • lets try other way:

  • install docker cli inside the jenkins conatiner using below documentation, did


  • now after exec in the jenkins container, we are able to use docker cmd now ignore

  • adding docker commands in job config now image

  • add docker hub creds in jenkins image

  • use the creds to login to docker hub for pushing the image image

  • add docker commands in job to build and push the image image

  • pushed successfully image image

  • we see a warning to secure creds, so we now give the password as stdin inplace of cli parameter image image


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