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hengxin committed Aug 12, 2018
2 parents d0da046 + d6f77c2 commit 21f431f
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144 changes: 144 additions & 0 deletions tlaplus-projects/Zhifu-Wang/Wang-crdt-tla/StateCounter.tla
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@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
---------------------------- MODULE StateCounter ----------------------------

(* TLA+ module for State-based Counter. *)
(* See its implementation in paper Burckhardt@POPL'2014. *)
(* We check that the State-based Counter satisfies the *)
(* strong eventual convergence property (SEC) *)

EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, Bags, TLC

(* Protocol variables. *)
Replica, \* the set of replicas
(* Auxiliary variables for model checking. *)
Max \* Max[r]: the maximum number of the Inc() event replica r \in Replica can issue;
\* for finite-state model checking

(* Protocol variables. *)
vc, \* vc[r][r]: the current value of the counter vector at replica r \in Replica
incoming, \* incoming[r]: incoming messages at replica r \in Replica
(* Auxiliary variables for model checking. *)
inc, \* inc[r]: the number of Inc() events issued by the replica r \in Replica
sendAllowed \* sendAllowed[r]: is the replica r \in Replica allowed to send a message

(* The type correctness predicate. *)
TypeOK == /\ vc \in [Replica -> [Replica -> Nat]]
/\ inc \in [Replica -> Nat]
/\ sendAllowed \in [Replica -> {0,1}]
\* /\ incoming \in [Replica -> SubBag(SetToBag(Nat))] \* message ordering is not important; using bag (i.e., multiset)

(* The initial state predicate. *)

Init == /\ vc = [r \in Replica |-> [s \in Replica |-> 0]]
/\ incoming = [r \in Replica |-> EmptyBag]
/\ inc = [r \in Replica |-> 0]
/\ sendAllowed = [r \in Replica |-> 0]

(* Replica r \in Replica issues an Read() event. *)

(* Replica r \in Replica issues an Inc() event. *)
Inc(r) == /\ inc[r] < Max[r]
\* each replica r \in Replica can issue at most Max[r] Inc() events.
/\ vc' = [vc EXCEPT ![r][r] = @ + 1] \* current counter + 1
/\ inc' = [inc EXCEPT ![r] = @ + 1]
/\ sendAllowed' = [sendAllowed EXCEPT ![r] = 1]
/\ UNCHANGED <<incoming>>

(* Broadcast a message m to all replicas except the sender s. *)
Broadcast(s, m) == [r \in Replica |->
IF s = r
THEN incoming[s]
ELSE incoming[r] (+) SetToBag({m})]

(* Replica r issues a Send() event, sending an update message. *)
Send(r) == /\ sendAllowed[r] = 1
/\ incoming' = Broadcast(r, vc[r]) \* broadcast vc[r] to other replicas
/\ sendAllowed' = [sendAllowed EXCEPT ![r] = 0]
/\ UNCHANGED <<vc, inc>>

(* Replica r issues a Receive() event, receiving an update message. *)
SetMax(r, s) == IF r > s THEN r ELSE s

Receive(r) == /\ incoming[r] # EmptyBag \* there are accumulated increments from other replicas
/\ \E m \in BagToSet(incoming[r]): \* message reordering can be tolerant
(/\ \A s \in Replica: vc' = [vc EXCEPT ![r][s] = SetMax(@, m[s])]
/\ incoming' = [incoming EXCEPT ![r] = @ (-) SetToBag({m})]) \* each message is delivered exactly once
/\ sendAllowed' = [sendAllowed EXCEPT ![r] = 1]
/\ UNCHANGED <<inc>>
(* The Next-state relation. *)
Next == /\ \E r \in Replica: Inc(r) \/ Send(r) \/ Receive(r)

(* The specification. *)
vars == <<vc, incoming, inc, sendAllowed>>
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ WF_vars(Next)


(* The correctness of counter: *)
(* Eventual Convergence (EC), Quiescent Consistency (QC), *)
(* and Strong Eventual Convergence (SEC). *)

(* Eventual Consistency (EC) *)
(* If clients stop issuing Incs, *)
(* then the counters at all replicas will be eventually the same. *)
Convergence == /\ \A r, s \in Replica: vc[r] = vc[s]
/\ \E r, s \in Replica: vc[r][s] # 0 \* excluding the initial state
EC == <>Convergence

(* Quiescent Consistency (QC) *)
(* If the system is at quiescent, *)
(* then the counters at all replicas must be the same. *)

AccBroadcast == \A r \in Replica: sendAllowed[r] = 0 \* all r \in Replica are not allowed to send
MessageDelivery == \A r \in Replica: incoming[r] = EmptyBag \* all messages have been delivered
QConvergence == \A r, s \in Replica: vc[r] = vc[s] \* no counter[r] # 0

QC == [](AccBroadcast /\ MessageDelivery => QConvergence)

(* Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC) *)

\* Modification History
\* Last modified Sat Aug 11 11:49:53 CST 2018 by zfwang
\* Created Fri Aug 03 09:57:12 CST 2018 by zfwang
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tlaplus-seminar/11-20180608-OpCounter-Wei/Counter.tla
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Expand Up @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ QConvergence == \A r, s \in Replica: counter[r] = counter[s] \* no counter[r] #
QC == []((AccBroadcast /\ MessageDelivery) => QConvergence)

(* Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC) *)
(* Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC) *)
\* Modification History
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103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions tlaplus-seminar/13-20180713-RefinementMapping-Ji/MinMax1.tla
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@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
------------------------------- MODULE MinMax1 ------------------------------
(* This module and modules MinMax2 and MinMax2H are used as examples in *)
(* Sections 1 and 2 of the paper "Auxiliary Variables in TLA+". *)
(* *)
(* This module specifies a tiny system in which a user presents a server *)
(* with a sequence of integer inputs, and the server responds to each *)
(* input value i with with one of the following outputs: Hi if i is the *)
(* largest number input so far, Lo if it's the smallest number input so *)
(* far, Both if it's both, and None if it's neither. *)
(* *)
(* The module is part of an example illustrating the use of a history *)
(* variable. The example includes this module, module MinMax2, and module *)
(* MinMax2H which adds a history variable to the specification of MinMax2 *)
(* and shows that the resulting specification implements implements the *)
(* specification of the current module under a suitable refinement *)
(* mapping. *)
EXTENDS Integers

(* We define setMax(S) and setMin(S) to be largest and smallest value in a *)
(* nonempty finite set S of integers. *)
setMax(S) == CHOOSE t \in S : \A s \in S : t >= s
setMin(S) == CHOOSE t \in S : \A s \in S : t =< s

(* The possible values that can be returned by the system are declared to *)
(* be constants, which we assume are not integers. *)
CONSTANTS Lo, Hi, Both, None
ASSUME {Lo, Hi, Both, None} \cap Int = { }

(* The the value of the variable x is the value input by the user or the *)
(* value output by the system, the variable `turn' indicating which. The *)
(* variable y holds the set of all values input thus far. We consider x *)
(* and `turn' to be externally visible and y to be internal. *)
VARIABLES x, turn, y
vars == <<x, turn, y>>

(* The initial predicate Init: *)
Init == /\ x = None
/\ turn = "input"
/\ y = {}

(* The user's input action: *)
InputNum == /\ turn = "input"
/\ turn' = "output"
/\ x' \in Int
/\ y' = y

(* The systems response action: *)
Respond == /\ turn = "output"
/\ turn' = "input"
/\ y' = y \cup {x}
/\ x' = IF x = setMax(y') THEN IF x = setMin(y') THEN Both ELSE Hi
ELSE IF x = setMin(y') THEN Lo ELSE None

(* The next-state action: *)
Next == InputNum \/ Respond

(* The specification, which is a safety property (it asserts no liveness *)
(* condition). *)
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars
(* Below, we check that specification Spec implements specification Spec *)
(* of module MinMax2 under a suitable refinement mapping. The following *)
(* definitions of Infinity and MinusInfinity are copied from module *)
(* MinMax2. *)
Infinity == CHOOSE n : n \notin Int
MinusInfinity == CHOOSE n : n \notin (Int \cup {Infinity})

WITH min <- IF y = {} THEN Infinity ELSE setMin(y),
max <- IF y = {} THEN MinusInfinity ELSE setMax(y)

(* The following theorem asserts that Spec implements the specification *)
(* Spec of module MinMax2 under the refinement mapping defined by the *)
(* INSTANCE statement. The theorem can be checked with TLC using a model *)
(* having M!Spec as the temporal property to be checked. *)
THEOREM Spec => M!Spec
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Thu Jul 12 17:03:29 CST 2018 by xhdn
\* Last modified Fri Oct 21 23:48:10 PDT 2016 by lamport
\* Created Fri Aug 26 14:28:26 PDT 2016 by lamport
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57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions tlaplus-seminar/13-20180713-RefinementMapping-Ji/MinMax2.tla
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
------------------------------ MODULE MinMax2 -------------------------------
(* This module specifies a system with the same interaction between a user *)
(* and a server as the one in module MinMax1, but instead of remembering *)
(* the entire set of inputs, it uses two variables min and max to keep the *)
(* largest and smallest values input thus far. Initially min equals *)
(* Infinity and max equals MinusInfinity, where Infinity and MinusInfinity *)
(* are two values that are considered greater than and less than any *)
(* integer, respectively. *)
EXTENDS Integers, Sequences

CONSTANTS Lo, Hi, Both, None
\*ASSUME {Lo, Hi, Both, None} \cap Int = { }

Infinity == CHOOSE n : n \notin Int
MinusInfinity == CHOOSE n : n \notin (Int \cup {Infinity})

(* The operators IsLeq and IsGeq extend =< and >=, respectively, to have *)
(* the correct meaning when Infinity or MinusInfinity is one of the *)
(* arguments. *)
IsLeq(i, j) == (j = Infinity) \/ (i =< j)
IsGeq(i, j) == (j = MinusInfinity) \/ (i >= j)

(* The rest of the specification is straightforward. *)
VARIABLES x, turn, min, max
vars == <<x, turn, min, max>>

Init == /\ x = None
/\ turn = "input"
/\ min = Infinity
/\ max = MinusInfinity

InputNum == /\ turn = "input"
/\ turn' = "output"
/\ x' \in Int
/\ UNCHANGED <<min, max>>

Respond == /\ turn = "output"
/\ turn' = "input"
/\ min' = IF IsLeq(x, min) THEN x ELSE min
/\ max' = IF IsGeq(x, max) THEN x ELSE max
/\ x' = IF x = max' THEN IF x = min' THEN Both ELSE Hi
ELSE IF x = min' THEN Lo ELSE None

Next == InputNum \/ Respond

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Thu Jul 12 16:35:43 CST 2018 by xhdn
\* Last modified Fri Oct 21 23:57:32 PDT 2016 by lamport
\* Created Fri Aug 26 14:32:23 PDT 2016 by lamport
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