This repository contains two source code files for matrix multiplication
multiply.c block_multiply.c
These files can be compiled and run independently from each other. How to compile and run in WINDOWS OS
- Open Command Prompt! [Can be found by typing cmd at the search bar in home page of WINDOWS]
- Go to the same directory where the source files are located [use cd command, lookup cmd commands to change directory]
- Make sure gcc compiler is installed by typing gcc --version if installed it will show the version, otherwise need to install
- If installed
- Type gcc -o multiply multiply.c and hit enter
- In the new line type multiply and hit enter
- Type gcc -o block_multiply block_multiply.c
- In the new line type block_multiply and hit enter
multiply.c -Program that performs standard matrix multiplication -Takes two matrices A,B and multiplies them to store the results in matrix C -Matrix Standard Multiplication C = A*B; all matrices sizes randomly picked -Minimum size 1x1, Maximum size 8x8.... 1 <= rows <=8 1 <= cols <= 8 -Maximum value in a cell is 30, but it can be changed, change of type may be needed -Matrices are declared as pointers and memory is allocated dynamically -Need to consider matrices as 1D arrays
block_multiply.c -Matrix Block Multiplication C = A*B; all matrices sizes 24x24 -Block size for this application chosen to be 8x8 to maximize hardware usage -"size_N" can be changed to a multiple of 8, default size should be 256 -if "size_N" is changed, change sizes of all matrices A,B,C to match the new value -reference: