Update to the way CiviCRM templates are compiled. This is a small but important change to the settings file. There are no database changes.
We have removed the patch to optionally store compiled templates in Redis. This approach is no longer recommended. Instead, based on Pantheon's recommendations, you should store compiled templates in the /tmp
folder. You will need to update your civicrm.settings.php
to the /tmp
directory. Compare your live settings file to sites/default/default.civicrm.settings.php
. You can read the full explanation in the README.md file.
should look like this:
if (isset($pantheon_conf)) {
define('CIVICRM_TEMPLATE_COMPILEDIR', '/srv/bindings/' . $pantheon_conf['pantheon_binding'] . '/tmp/civicrm/templates_c/');
Fully test on a dev environment before upgrading on live. Don't merge this code yet if you've got other updates which are urgent. If you have questions contact http://civicrmstarterkit.org/contact. We provide some basic general support for the public. If you require help with your specific website there will likely be a cost.