This opinionated boilerplate was born because I always need to configure the same generic libs in order let my app ready-to-production.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React Native App.
- Install the Mac Iphone Simulator
- Geny motion for Android
- Node (8+)
Run the command bellow:
npm install
npm start
npm test
Use only the command bellow to create commit
npm run commit
Create a sentry account and put your ID here
- Start the docker container in your machine with the following command
docker run -d --name sonarqubeLocal -p 9001:9000 -p 9092:9092 arturbdr/sonarqube-pluggins:
This command will download the image and start a docker container in your machine and bind the host ports: 9001 and 9092 to the container port 9000 and 9092 respectively. - After the container is started, you can access it in the browser in local sonar docker
- Publish the project to this container with the command
gulp sonar
- Check the results in local sonar docker
All the sonar configuration are in the file
- react-navigate - main lib (with create-react-native-app)
- eslint - to standarlize the project
- commitzen - to create nice commits
- prettier - to standarlize the code
- flow-type - to create static types
- husky - for prevent commit with errors (of lint, tests, flow)
- saga - lib to fetch async data
- jestSetup - to configurate react-native with jest
- enzyme - to test components
- jsdom - to simulate window and globals
- I18n - to translate texts
- recompose - to compose HOCs
- apisauce - to fetch external datas
- sentry - to log erros
- file api module (to fetch data) - to configurate apisauce and services
- initial folders (services/ components) - to define the architeture standard
- environment variables - to fetch external datas in diferent enviroments
- icon - to setup home icon
- splashscreen - to setup inaital screen before open the app
- remove @FIXME
- example of unit test - to integrate test since the begin
- Header example - to let easier to implement header throught props
- Styled components with jest - to let easier to implement nested css
- nativeBase - to use standarlized components
- build ci (with fasltlane or expo)
- try immutable - to let transformation data less verbose
- example of reselect lib - to optimize data flow
- example of integration tests - to integrate test since the begin
- example of e2e detox (choose screenplay or pageObject)- to integrate e2e since the begin