A platform for developers
A platform built with MERN stack, and utilizes third party API's. This platform enable two main different flows or implementations:
- Developers creates profiles, find other developers to collaborate with, uses dev tools
- Companies create profiles, find and recruite devs for their work.
- features:
- Developers can create their professional profiles
- Developers can showcase their project/work
- Developers can find other developers to collaborate for their project
- Developers can use compiler & docs functionality
- Developers can create their group and invite other developers. (Direct messaging functionality also)
- Companies can create their professional profiles
- Companies can find developers on skill bases and communicate with them
- Companies can share their achievements
This project is deployed on cloud. Please check it out 😄 https://devsden.hetdelwadiya.dev.
Demo User : Email- [email protected] | password- testuser123 (Not responsive for mobile)
- This repo is just a backend of Dev's Den website. You need socket server and frontend also. Check out socket server and frontend of DevsDen projects -> https://github.com/HeT-Delwadiya/.
- I have used G4G's compiler API for compiler functionality & w3cub's docs for docs functionality of DevsDen project.
Some basic Git commands are:
$ git clone https://github.com/HeT-Delwadiya/Devs-Den-Socket-Server.git
$ cd project
$ npm install
Create .env file that includes:
* DB_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/devsdenDB
* PORT=8000
* SECRET=Token Secret for devsden
* FRONTEND_URL=http://localhost:3000/
$ npm start