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Releases: heyman/heynote


03 Mar 17:02
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.1.3


15 Jan 17:47
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What's Changed

  • Fix broken sub directories on Windows by @heyman in #301

Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.1.1


10 Jan 09:39
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New Features

  • Added support for moving the current block to another (or new) buffer. Pressing Ctrl/Cmd+S will now pop up a dialog where you can search for and select another buffer to which the block will be moved. It's also possible to select to create a new buffer to which the block will be moved.
  • Add right click context menu with undo/redo/cut/copy/paste/select all as well as Delete Block and Move block to another buffer.
  • Add File menu item for switching buffer
  • When deleting a block, the cursor will now end up at the beginning of the next block, instead of at the end of the previous block.
  • Added support for the following languages:
    • Elixir
    • Scala
  • PHP blocks no longer requires <?php for syntax highlighting to work

Bug Fixes

  • MacOS: Clicking the Heynote icon in the dock when using menu bar mode didn't bring up the window
  • Redo from the application menu didn't work

Merged PRs

  • Add support for Scala language by @YasienDwieb in #286
  • fix(macos): show window on dock click when using menu bar mode by @heyman in #289
  • Elixir language support by @jc00ke in #288
  • Highlight code in PHP blocks also when <?php tags are missing by @heyman in #290
  • Various IPC/event refactoring by @heyman in #291
  • Listen for REDO_EVENT from main process and issue redo command when received by @heyman in #292
  • Refactor editior instance creation and settings management by @heyman in #293
  • Add feature for moving the current block to another buffer by @heyman in #294
  • Position the cursor at the beginning of the next block when a block is deleted by @heyman in #296
  • Add right-click context menu and improve application menu by @heyman in #297
  • Upgrade Electron to version 33.3.1 by @heyman in #298

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0


09 Jan 20:52
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2.1.0-beta.3 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Add right-click context menu and improve application menu by @heyman in #297
  • Upgrade Electron to version 33.3.1 by @heyman in #298

Full Changelog: v2.1.0-beta.2...v2.1.0-beta.3


09 Jan 16:04
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2.1.0-beta.2 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Position the cursor at the beginning of the next block when a block is deleted by @heyman in #296

Full Changelog: v2.1.0-beta...v2.1.0-beta.2


07 Jan 23:34
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2.1.0-beta Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Add support for Scala language by @YasienDwieb in #286
  • fix(macos): show window on dock click when using menu bar mode by @heyman in #289
  • Elixir language support by @jc00ke in #288
  • Highlight code in PHP blocks also when <?php tags are missing by @heyman in #290
  • Refactor editior instance creation and settings management by @heyman in #293
  • Add feature for moving the current block to another buffer by @heyman in #294
  • Various IPC/event refactoring by @heyman in #291
  • Listen for REDO_EVENT from main process and issue redo command when received by @heyman in #292

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0-beta


03 Jan 23:38
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IMPORTANT (breaking change)

The default path of the scratch file has changed. The first time you start the new version of Heynote, your existing buffer file will be migrated to the new note library. If you're using the default buffer location, that means that the existing Scratch buffer file will be moved from %APP_DIR%/buffer.txt to %APP_DIR%/notes/scratch.txt. If you are using a custom buffer location the existing scratch file will be moved from %CUSTOM_DIR%/buffer.txt to %CUSTOM_DIR%/scratch.txt. Before the migration, the existing buffer file will be backed up to %APP_DIR%/buffer.txt.bak or %CUSTOM_DIR%/buffer.txt.bak.

If you are running a previous version of Heynote with the buffer file synchronized across multiple machines using a file synching service such as Dropbox or OneDrive, you should make sure to upgrade all machines to Heynote 2.0 at the same time (closing Heynote before) in order for the file to stay in sync, since the file path for the buffer file has changed.

Support for multiple note buffers.

Apart from the default Scratch buffer, you can now create and switch between multiple note buffers. Ctrl/Cmd+N opens up a dialog for creating a new buffer. By pressing Ctrl/Cmd+S you can create a new note from the current block (the current block will be moved into the new note). New note buffers are saved to the note library which is basically a directory (with sub dirs) on the disk with a .txt file for each buffer. You switch between buffers by pressing Ctrl/Cmd+P.

Other changes

  • The file format for the buffer files has been updated to include some JSON metadata at the top of the file.
  • The cursor(s) location is saved between sessions.
  • Improvements when using a file syncing service (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive) to sync the note library between machines.
  • The setting for changing the color theme is now located in the program settings, instead of in the status bar.
  • Improvements to the language selector's search feature (it's now possible to search for languages by their file extension).

Merged PRs

  • Improve global hotkey handling and documentation for Linux by @peterjaric in #258
  • Support for multiple note buffers by @heyman in #265
  • Fix icon for nix systems by @OiYouYeahYou in #275
  • Make a backup copy of buffer.txt before migrating to new note library by @heyman in #280
  • Improve language selector's search feature by @heyman in #287

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v2.0.0


12 Dec 13:05
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2.0.0-beta Pre-release

IMPORTANT (breaking change)

The default path of the scratch file has changed. The first time you start the new version of Heynote, your existing buffer file will be migrated to the new note library. If you're using the default buffer location, that means that the existing Scratch buffer file will be moved from %APP_DIR%/buffer.txt to %APP_DIR%/notes/scratch.txt. If you are using a custom buffer location the existing scratch file will be moved from %CUSTOM_DIR%/buffer.txt to %CUSTOM_DIR%/scratch.txt. Before the migration, the existing buffer file will be backed up to %APP_DIR%/buffer.txt.bak or %CUSTOM_DIR%/buffer.txt.bak.

If you are running a previous version of Heynote with the buffer file synchronized across multiple machines using a file synching service such as Dropbox or OneDrive, you should make sure to upgrade all machines to Heynote 2.0 at the same time (closing Heynote before) in order for the file to stay in sync, since the file path for the buffer file has changed.

Support for multiple note buffers.

Apart from the default Scratch buffer, you can now create and switch between multiple note buffers. Ctrl/Cmd+N opens up a dialog for creating a new buffer. By pressing Ctrl/Cmd+S you can create a new note from the current block (the current block will be moved into the new note). New note buffers are saved to the note library which is basically a directory (with sub dirs) on the disk with a .txt file for each buffer. You switch between buffers by pressing Ctrl/Cmd+P.

Other changes

  • The file format for the buffer files has been updated to include some JSON metadata at the top of the file.
  • The cursor(s) location is saved between sessions.
  • Improvements when using a file syncing service (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive) to sync the note library between machines.
  • The setting for changing the color theme is now located in the program settings, instead of in the status bar.

Merged PRs

  • Improve global hotkey handling and documentation for Linux by @peterjaric in #258
  • Support for multiple note buffers by @heyman in #265
  • Fix icon for nix systems by @OiYouYeahYou in #275
  • Make a backup copy of buffer.txt before migrating to new note library by @heyman in #280

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v2.0.0-beta


14 Jul 14:01
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What's Changed

  • Block parsing optimization by @heyman in #241
  • Add documentation file (which will be used to generate documentation page on by @heyman in #242
  • Add default redo cmd that works on all Platforms. Mod+Shift+Z by @c3cris in #243
  • Fix bug causing editing to break for empty blocks in some cases by @heyman in #246
  • Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 by @dependabot in #248
  • Bump ejs from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10 by @dependabot in #249
  • Add setting for configuring the default block language by @heyman in #251
  • Vue language support by @jongwoo328 in #240
  • Support Dart Syntax by @dongheeleeme in #233
  • Document how to format number with toLocaleString by @hanoii in #202
  • Fix error on startup for large buffers by @heyman in #253

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.7.1...v1.8.0


14 Jul 13:08
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1.8.0-beta.3 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Fix error on startup for large buffers by @heyman in #253

Full Changelog: v1.8.0-beta.2...v1.8.0-beta.3