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A lifesteal SMP plugin written in Kotlin, that provides you with all the features you need!


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LifeStealZ is a lifesteal SMP plugin, that allows you to steal hearts from other players, when you kill them. If a player has no more hearts, he is eliminated. You can craft additional hearts or a revive crystal. With this crystal, you can bring back eliminated teammates.

LifeStealZ offers a great amount of admin tools and is highly customizable. You can change every message and change everything about the custom items.


  • ✅ Stealing hearts
  • ✅ Withdraw hearts
  • ✅ Customizable heart items
  • ✅ Custom crafting recipes
  • ✅ Revive item
  • ✅ Maximal and starter hearts
  • ✅ Disable totems
  • ✅ Disable crystal pvp
  • ✅ Ingame recipe viewer
  • ✅ PlaceholderAPI placeholders
  • ✅ Custom WorldGuard flags
  • ✅ Admin commands
  • ✅ HEX colors and gradients support


  • lifestealz.admin.reload - Allow to reload the plugin
  • lifestealz.admin.setlife - Allow to set the amount of hearts, a player has
  • lifestealz.admin.giveitem - Allow to give custom items to a player
  • lifestealz.admin.eliminate - Allows to eliminate players with the /eliminate command
  • lifestealz.admin.revive - Allow a player to revive another player with the /revive command
  • lifestealz.bypassrevivelimit - Allow a player to bypass the revive limit
  • lifestealz.withdraw - Allow a player to withdraw hearts (true by default)
  • lifestealz.revive - Allow a player to revive others with a revive crystal (true by default)
  • lifestealz.viewrecipes - Allow a player to view the custom recipes (true by default)
  • - Allow a player to access the help menu (true by default)
  • lifestealz.viewhearts - Allow a player to view the amount of hearts (`/hearts``) he has (true by default)


Here is an example of the configuration file:

Click me!
#     _      _  __        _____ _             _   ______
#    | |    (_)/ _|      / ____| |           | | |___  /
#    | |     _| |_ ___  | (___ | |_ ___  __ _| |    / /
#    | |    | |  _/ _ \  \___ \| __/ _ \/ _` | |   / /
#    | |____| | ||  __/  ____) | ||  __/ (_| | |  / /__
#    |______|_|_| \___| |_____/ \__\___|\__,_|_| /_____|

# !!! COLOR CODES !!!
# This plugin supports old color codes like: &c, &l, &o, etc
# It also supports minimessage, which is a more advanced way to format messages:
# With these, you can also add HEX colors, gradients, hover and click events, etc

checkForUpdates: true

#A list of worlds, where the plugin should take effect
  - "world"
  - "world_nether"
  - "world_the_end"

#The amount of hearts a player has, when joining for the first time
startHearts: 10
#The maximal amount of hearts, a player can have
maxHearts: 20
# This option will enforce the heart limit on admin commands like /lifestealz hearts <add, set> <player> <amount>
enforceMaxHeartsOnAdminCommands: false

#If hearts should be dropped instead of directly added to the killer
dropHearts: false
#If a heart should be dropped, when the killer already has the max amount of hearts
dropHeartsIfMax: true
#If a player should lose a heart, when dying to hostile mobs or falldamage, lava, etc
looseHeartsToNature: true
#If a player should lose a heart, when being killed by another player
looseHeartsToPlayer: true
#Whether it should be announced, when a player got eliminated (has no more hearts)
announceElimination: true

#Allows players to withdraw a heart, even if they only have one left
allowDyingFromWithdraw: true
#If the totem effect should be played, when you use a heart
playTotemEffect: false
#The time you have to wait, before you can use another heart in Milliseconds
heartCooldown: 0
#How many times a player can be revived. Set to -1 to make it infinite
maxRevives: -1

#If the use of totems of undying should be prevented
preventTotems: false
#If crystalpvp should be disabled
preventCrystalPVP: false

#Only disable this option if you want to add custom commands on elimination and don't want the player to get banned
disablePlayerBanOnElimination: false
# The amount of hp a player should have after getting eliminated
respawnHP: 10

# Execute custom commands on events:
# You can use &player& to insert the player name
# For example: tempban &player& banreason 1d
# - "say &player& got eliminated"
# - "niceCommandtwo"

# - "say &player& used a heart item"

# - "say &player& revived &target&"

  enabled: true
  sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP # Find all sounds here:
  volume: 1.0
  pitch: 1.0

  # If the anti alt system should be enabled
  enabled: true
  # If possible alt kill attempts should be logged
  logAttempt: true
  # If possible alt kill attempts should be prevented
  preventKill: false
  # If a message should be sent to the player, when an alt kill attempt is detected
  sendMessage: false
  # Add custom comamnds, to be executed when a possible alt kill attempt is detected
  # You can use &player& to insert the player name (commands are executed for both players)
    # - "say Please don't kill alts"
    # - "ban &player& 1h"

  # The type of storage to use. You have the following options:
  # "SQLite"
  type: "SQLite"

  # This section is only relevant if you use a MySQL database
  host: "localhost"
  port: 3306
  database: "lifestealz"
  username: "root"
  password: "password"

#Here you can modify everything about the custom items
  # DONT DELETE THE defaultheart ITEM!!!
    name: "&cHeart"
      - "&7Rightclick to use"
    #     - "This would be a second line"
    #     - "And this possibly a third line"
    material: "NETHER_STAR"
    enchanted: false
    customModelData: 100
    # Custom item type for the item ("heart" or "revive")
    customItemType: "heart"
    # When customItemType is "heart", this value is used to determine how many hearts the item gives
    customHeartValue: 1
    # true if this item should be craftable
    craftable: true
      #Every item represents one slot in the crafting table
      #The first item in a row is the left most item in the crafting table
      #If you want a slot to be blant, use 'AIR'
        - "GOLD_BLOCK"
        - "GOLD_BLOCK"
        - "GOLD_BLOCK"
        - "OBSIDIAN"
        - "NETHER_STAR"
        - "OBSIDIAN"
        - "DIAMOND_BLOCK"
        - "DIAMOND_BLOCK"
        - "DIAMOND_BLOCK"

    name: "&dRevive Crystal"
      - "&7Rightclick to use"
    material: "AMETHYST_SHARD"
    enchanted: true
    customModelData: 101
    customItemType: "revive"
    customHeartValue: 0
    craftable: true
        - "AMETHYST_SHARD"
        - "AMETHYST_SHARD"
        - "OBSIDIAN"
        - "BEACON"
        - "OBSIDIAN"
        - "AMETHYST_SHARD"
        - "AMETHYST_SHARD"

  # You can add as many custom items as you want

#You can modify all messages here
  prefix: "&8[&cLifeStealZ&8]"
  newVersionAvailable: "&7A new version of LifeStealZ is available!\n&c<click:OPEN_URL:></click>"
  usageError: "&cUsage: %usage%"
  noPermsError: "<red>You do not have permission to execute this command!"
  playerNotFound: "&cPlayer not found!"
  worldNotWhitelisted: "&cThis world is not whitelisted for LifeStealZ!"
  specifyPlayerOrBePlayer: "&cYou need to either specify a player or be a player yourself!"
  noPermissionError: "&cYou don't have permission to use this!"
  noPlayerData: "&cThis player has not played on this server yet!"
  eliminateSuccess: "&7You successfully eliminated &c%player%&7!"
  reviveSuccess: "&7You successfully revived &c%player%!"
  reviveMaxReached: "&cThis player has already been revived %amount% times!"
  onlyReviveElimPlayers: "&cYou can only revive eliminated players!"
  eliminatedJoin: "&cYou don't have any hearts left!"
  eliminationAnnouncement: "&c%player% &7has been eliminated by &c%killer%&7!"
  eliminateionAnnouncementNature: "&c%player% &7has been eliminated!"
  setHeartsConfirm: "&7Successfully set &c%player%&7's hearts to &c%amount%"
  getHearts: "&c%player% &7currently has &c%amount% &7hearts!"
  reloadMsg: "&7Successfully reloaded the plugin!"
  versionMsg: "&7You are using version <red>%version%"
  noWithdraw: "&cYou would be eliminated, if you withdraw a heart!"
  withdrawConfirmmsg: "&8&oUse <underlined><click:SUGGEST_COMMAND:/withdrawheart %amount% confirm>/withdrawheart %amount% confirm</click></underlined> if you really want to withdraw a heart"
  maxHeartLimitReached: "&cYou already reached the limit of %limit% hearts!"
  closeBtn: "&cClose"
  reviveTitle: "&8Revive a player"
  revivePlayerDesc: "&7Click to revive this player"
  viewheartsYou: "&7You currently have &c%amount% &7hearts!"
  viewheartsOther: "&c%player% &7currently has &c%amount% &7hearts!"
  heartconsume: "&7You got &c%amount% &7hearts!"
  heartconsumeCooldown: "&cYou have to wait before using another heart!"
  recipeNotCraftable: "&cThis item is not craftable!"
  altKill: "&cPlease don't kill alts! This attempt has been logged!"
  withdrawMin: "&cYou can't withdraw less than 1 heart!"
  giveItem: "&7You received %amount%x &c%item%&7!"

If you want a slot in the crafting recipe to be blank, replace the block name with AIR.

WorldGuard Flags

To set a custom worldguard flag, you have to use /rg flags and scroll to the last page.

There you can set the following flags:

  • heartloss - Allow heart loss in this region


If you are using Placeholderapi on your server, you can use the following placeholders:

  • %lifestealz_hearts% - The amount of hearts a user has
  • %lifestealz_maxhearts% - The maximum amount of hearts a user can have
  • %lifestealz_revived% - The amount of times a player has been revived
  • %lifestealz_craftedhearts% - The amount of times a player has crafted a heart
  • %lifestealz_craftedrevives% - The amount of times a player has crafted a revive crystal


If you need help with the setup of the plugin, or found a bug, you can join my discord here or message me directly (Kartoffelchips#0445).


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A lifesteal SMP plugin written in Kotlin, that provides you with all the features you need!







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