using MATLAB to do steepest descent algorithm(unconstrained optimization method that uses gratitude vector as descent direction), and find steps by Armijo principle.
English version is placed behind the Chinese one.
min f(x)
xk+1 = xk + αkdk, k =0,1,...
x0为初始向量,dk为f(x)在xk处的下降方向,αk > 0为步长。
设f(x)连续可微,dk是f(x)在xk处的下降方向,给定𝜌 ∈ (0, 1), β ∈ (0,1), 我们寻找使得下式成立的最小正整数𝑚𝑘 :
f(xk + β^mdk) ≤ f(xk) + ρβ^mgkTdk
我们需要的步长𝛼𝑘 = 𝛽^𝑚𝑘
步骤1:给出初值𝑥𝑜 以及精度eps
步骤2:计算gk = -∇f(xk);如果|gk| < eps,停止,输出𝑥𝑘;否则转步骤3。
步骤4.计算xk+1 = xk + αkdk ,𝑘 = 𝑘 + 1,转步骤2.
最速下降法主函数 steepest1.m
求梯度函数 fun_grad1.m
测试函数 fun1.m
求Armijo步长因子函数 armijo1.m
min f(x)
xk+1 = xk + αkdk, k =0,1,...
x0 is the initialization vector,dk is the descent direction of f(x) at xk.
In steepest descent algorithm, dk = -gk, where gk is gratitude vector.
Here I use Armijo principle to set the steps of inexact line search .
Set f(x) to be continuously differential,and dk is the descent direction of f(x) at xk,
Given 𝜌 ∈ (0, 1), β ∈ (0,1), we are trying to find the least possible integer that satisfy the following inequality:
f(xk + β^mdk) ≤ f(xk) + ρβ^mgkTdk
And the step we actually need is such: 𝛼𝑘 = 𝛽^𝑚𝑘
Step1.Set the initial vlue x0 and precision eps
Step2.Calculate 'gk':gk = -∇f(xk); If |gk| < eps, stop and output xk; Otherwise, turn to Step 3.
Step3.Set the step 𝛼𝑘 by Armijo principle.
Step4.Caculate 'xk+1':xk+1 = xk + αkdk ,𝑘 = 𝑘 + 1; Turn to Step2.
The codes are formed by four parts:
Main function of steepest descent method: steepest1.m
the function used to get the gratitude:fun_grad1.m
the testing function :fun1.m
the function used to get the step :armijo1.m