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Time Trackers

Michael Starke edited this page Jul 20, 2017 · 2 revisions

A time tracker is generally just a timer with annoted information. You start it in the overview page by pressing the start button. Before starting you can either specify a simple comment or you choose an issue in the auto-complete dropdown, which opens when writing an issue number in the input. You can also start the time tracker directly from the issue views, either per context menu or with the available buttons.

There can only be one active time tracker per user. The time tracker is always saved in the database and gets updated with every change in the form at the top of the overview page.

Besides stopping the timer the stop button does one of two actions depending whether there is a project selected or not. If there is no project selected, only a time log will be generated according the information of the time tracker. The other case also generates a time booking for all the logged time of the timelog.

If you have disabled sum only rounding you will have an additional checkbox called round. With this you can control whether the current time tracker will be rounded on stopping. This affects only the [time booking|Time-Bookings]. Time logs are always the exact time you tracked (ignoring seconds). See the [settings|Plugin-Settings] for details about the rounding.

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