This library extends Guardian so that it can validate tokens issued by Google Firebase Auth.
Before starting, please read the
Guardian documentation to familiarize yourself
with the basic Guardian
First, add guardian_firebase
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:guardian_firebase, "~> 0.1.0"}]
Then you must create the required Guardian
"Implementation Module". The
difference is that you will use GuardianFirebase
instead of Guardian
defmodule MyApp.Guardian do
use GuardianFirebase, otp_app: :my_app, project_id: "my-firebase-project"
def subject_for_token(resource, _claims) do
# This function should only be used in testing since GuardianFirebase does
# not generate legitimate Firebase tokens. Return the Firebase User ID from
# this function so that `resource_from_claims/1` will work properly.
{:ok, resource.firebase_id}
def resource_from_claims(claims) do
# Here we'll look up our resource from the claims, the subject can be
# found in the `"sub"` key. In `above subject_for_token/2` we returned
# the Firebase id so here we'll rely on that to look it up.
id = claims["sub"]
resource = MyApp.get_resource_by_firebase_id(id)
{:ok, resource}
The :otp_app
is required by Guardian
, and the :project_id
is your
applications's Firebase ID. This is all you should need to have a working
Most of the configuration allowed by Guardian
is not needed, or even possible.
with GuardianFirebase
can generate tokens that are identical in structure to those
issued by Firebase, but that are signed by a different key. This allows you to
generate keys for testing without having to get keys from Firebase.
To generate tokens, you have to tell GuardianFirebase
what keys to use to sign
the tokens. Add the following lines to config/test.exs
config :guardian_firebase,
load_keys_on_startup: false,
local_keys: [
The :load_keys_on_startup
value tells GuardianFirebase
whether or not it
should load the official Firebase keys on startup. For testing, we want to avoid
contacting the Firebase servers.
The :local_keys
value is a list of 3-element tuples that contain a key ID,
public key and private key. The public and private keys need to be valid
PEM-encoded data. Generating the keypair is left as an exercise for the reader.