The plugin allows user to format text online. The result text can be directly sent to whatsapp API which will be consistent against format, or show in the browser to be sent, in text format, to the WhatsApp web.
- Include jQuery
<script src=""></script>
- Include plugin's code:
<script src="src/js/whatsapp-editor.js"></script>
- Use the plugin
OR $("#element").whatsappEditor(OPTIONS);
var editor=$("#element").whatsappEditor(); // Initialize editor
var content=editor.getFormattedContent(); // Formatted WhatsApp content
- bold: Allows user to select text and mark them as Bold
- italic: Allows user to select text and mark them as Italic
- Strikethrough: Allows user to select text and mark them as
Strikethrough - Monospace: Allows user to select text and mark them as
- html_contet: Allows user to return text in html format. Default is false
- Content: Allows developer to specify default text for converting to whatsapp type text.
For more information see index.html file.