#rods a micro SQL ORM using knex
Check out a Demo App
npm install [pg, mysql, mariasql, sqlite3]
npm install knex
npm install rods
###Connecting via knex see knex documentation for complete list of connection options
var knex = require('knex')({
client: 'pg',
connection: {
host: '',
username: '',
password: ''
var rods = require('rods')(knex)
###Mapping Models
var db = {};
//map models using the table name
//tables should already exists
//see knex documentation for Schema Building and Migrations
db.user = rods.model('users');
###Create Models ORM does not check if object properties are valid. If invalid object properties do not match DB properties an error is thrown
var u = new db.user({
id: id, // <optional> depending on DB settings, id will be returned after save, if not set
username: 'admin',
password: 'ha$hedp@ssw0rd',
admin: false;
u.save(function(err, res) {
//res is the newly created DB record. id should be there if not set;
###Retreving Models
returns a single model, .fetch()
returns multiple models
db.user.get(1, function(err, u) {
u.admin = true;
u.save(function(err) {
db.user.get('id-if-it-is-a-string', function(err, u) {});
db.user.get({id: 'value'}, function(err, u) {});
db.user.fetch([1, 2, 3], function(err, users) {
db.user.fetch(['id-1', 'id-2', 'id-3'], function(err, users) {});
db.user.fetch({admin: true}, function(err, users) {});
###Bridge to knex
Use any features of knex with .first()
and .select()
. Just end the chain with .exec()
.join('user_groups', 'users.id', 'user_groups.user_id')
.join('groups', 'user_groups.group_id', 'groups.id')
.where('groups.name' '=', 'Administrators')
.exec(function(err, u) {
//returns 1 user
.join('user_groups', 'users.id', 'user_groups.user_id')
.join('groups', 'user_groups.group_id', 'groups.id')
.where('groups.name' '=', 'Administrators')
.exec(function(err, users) {
//returns multiple users
###Hooks hooks run before and after save. useful for history tracking, or settings common properties like 'modified_by'
var rods = require('rods')(knex)
rods.pre('save', function(args, data) {
//args is an optional argument before the callback in .save()
//pre hooks must be synchronous
console.log('pre save with args ' + args);
data.modified_by = args.id;
data.modified_at = Date.now();
rods.post('save', function(args, original, updated) {
//args is same as above
//original and updated are what you expect
//post hooks are fire and forget. .save will return before post hooks finish
console.log('post hook');
var userWhoMadeTheChange = args;
trackTheseChangesSomewhere(userWhoMadeTheChange, original, updated)
//only 1 hook will work
db.user = rods.table('users');
db.user.pre('save', preSave);
db.user.post('save', postSave);
var u = new db.user();
u.save(args, function(err) {
//these are the args passed to hooks
###Population Population provides a convient syntax for populating foreign references with associated objects. Population does individual queries for each reference, so it may not be the most efficient option.
Population must be used with .first()
and select()
.populate(to, from, with)
to: name of property to be assigned
from: the db.table object to get/fetch from
with: the query to use inside of get/fetch
multi: true/false (true=the property is an array) (optional defaults to false)
//In this example user can have multiple groups. user_group is a cross reference table between user & group
//Notice how the results of the 1st populate are used in the second populate
.populate('user_groups', db.user_group.select, function(x) {
//query that will be used for "where"
//first value is the key, second value is the value
//if the second value is an Array whereIn is used
return ['user_id', x.id];
.populate('groups', db.group, function(x) {
//query that will be used for "where"
//first value is the key, second value is the value
//if the second value is an Array whereIn is used
return ['id', x.user_groups.map(x => x.group_id)];
.exec(function(err, u) {
assert.equal(u.groups[0].name, 'admins');
- id: ORM requires each table have 1 single column primary key. It assumes that primary key is named 'id'. You can change this, globally or for a single table.
//my ids are named "ID"
var rods = require('rods')(knex, {
id: 'ID'
//this table username is the primary key
db.user = rods.table('users', {
id: 'username'