HK Chai
Experience in consumer product solutions: operations, project execution, planning, and people management across regions. Core knowledge of web and mobile development, Agile methodology, role of Product Owner, and managing of scrum teams
Two years+ experience in running eCommerce platform on a global scale. Verticals include O2O, B2B, and B2C (Primary focus)
Extensive experience in customer discovery, Agile product development, engineering management, and people management at Intel, Motorola, Shanda China and PayPal.
Scope: SCRUM product owner (PO) practising Agile methodology, technical director, technical architect, and project owner
Work experience in multiple regions: Singapore, Malaysia, China, and US, leading a global team and aligning groups with different cultures and backgrounds.
Able to work without restriction (no visa required) in Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Mainland China
Projects done at PayPal: prepaid cards (, online payments, online stores, mobile platforms, risk management, pricing engine, and eCommerce ecosystems