GUPA is a big-data system that automatically infers a local sensitivity value for enforcing Group Differential Privacy. Below shows a simple example demonstrating the functionalities of GUPA.
sudo apt-get insall openjdk-8-jdk maven
GUPA is built in the same way as Apache Spark i.e., by running:
build/mvn -DskipTests -T 40 package
1.Generate a sample dataset:
mkdir $HOME/test; python --wq ml --path $HOME/test/ml.txt --s 1
This will create a sample dataset of 100000 records under $HOME/test/dataset.txt
2.Partition the dataset into k partitions:
python --wq index --k 200 --path $HOME/test/ml.txt
This will partition the dataset ($HOME/test/ml.txt
) into 200 partitions,
the partitioned dataset is located in $HOME/test/ml.txt.gupa
3.Running an example:
./bin/spark-submit --class edu.hku.dp.e2e.SparkHdfsLRDP examples/target/scala-2.11/jars/spark-examples_2.11-2.2.0.jar /home/john/test/ml.txt.gupa 1 9 1000
First start a master by running the following command on a master computer:
./sbin/ -h <ip address of master> -p <port to be used>
Then start workers by running the following command on a worker computer:
./sbin/ spark://<ip address of master>:<port to be used>
Then running ./
on the master computer. Note that the input dataset has to be replicated on both master and workers. After finishing testing, stop the master and workers by running ./sbin/
and ./sbin/
on master and worker computers respectively, to release their network resources.