APIM stubs for use by The Integration Hub components, including the following APIs:
- Identity Manage Service
- Simple API Deployment
- OAS Discovery
For more information on the project please visit this space in Confluence: https://confluence.tools.tax.service.gov.uk/display/AH/The+API+Hub+Home
This service is written in Scala and Play, so needs at least a [JRE] to run.
Beyond the typical HMRC Digital platform dependencies this service relies on:
- MongoDb
The full set of dependencies can be started using Service Manager and the group API_HUB_ALL.
You can view service dependencies using the Tax Catalogue's Service Relationships section here: https://catalogue.tax.service.gov.uk/service/api-hub-apim-stubs
This service uses MongoDb to store details of clients, secrets and scopes.
The MongoDb version should be 5.0 and is constrained by the wider platform not this service.
- Database: api-hub-apim-stubs
- Collection: identities
To run the application use sbt run
to start the service. All local dependencies should be running first.
Once everything is up and running you can access the application at
An Authorization header must be specified to call the /identity endpoints in this service. This should specify a clientId and secret in this format:
- Authorization: Basic base64Encoded(clientId:secret)
The clientId and secret values at time of writing are:
- clientId: apim-stub-client-id
- secret: apim-stub-secret
The Authorization header to specify based on these values is:
- Authorization: Basic YXBpbS1zdHViLWNsaWVudC1pZDphcGltLXN0dWItc2VjcmV0
This service can be built on the command line using sbt.
sbt compile
This microservice has many unit tests that can be run from the command line:
sbt test
This microservice has some integration tests that can be run from the command line:
sbt it:test
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.