Deliverables: This lab extends the previous programming lab 2 to implement features such as - Caching and it's invalidation, load balancing at the front end server and replication and consistency of the catalog server and the order server. We also, make the system fault tolerant by handling crashes and synchronizing the database during recovery.
The working of the system is explained in detail in the Design_Document
file under the /docs
- We have at most 3 replicas and at most 1 replica can crash
- No failure happens during starting up and recovery period
- Our communication channel is stable and synchronous, and no message is lost
- No replica is significantly slower than others
- Replica can reliably detect who the crash process is
Create 7 EC2 instances using ami-00d30e14232a718f0 (this is a customized image with docker, docker-composed and git repo cloned and installed).
NOTE: If you want to use your own ami, you will need to set up docker, git and security group beforehand
$ aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-00d30e14232a718f0 --instance-type t2.micro --key-name 677kp
$ aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID
From the last command, save down the Public IPv4 DNS and the Private IPv4 addresses for each instance. Next, ssh into the instance
Confirm the rules for incoming traffic as follows. In the Inbound rules section, create the following rules (choose Add rule for each new rule):
- Choose HTTP from the Type list, port 80 for port range, and make sure that Source is set to Anywhere (
- Choose HTTPS from the Type list, port 443 for port range, and make sure that Source is set to Anywhere (
- Choose Custom TCP from the Type list, 5000-6000 for Port Range, and make sure that Source is set to Anywhere (
ssh into each of the instance as follows:
$ ssh -i <path-to-677kp.pem-file> ec2-user@$PUBLIC_IPv4_DNS
Please create a config file before running the docker image. Sample config files for each replicas of catalog_service and order_service and also config file for the front_end_service can be found in the github repo under the ./env
NOTE: If you want to change the port, please remember to update the security group, the config_env and the docker-compose file!
NOTE: Please make sure to replace the variables' value with the Private IPv4 address of the respective instance
# Create the config_env
$ vim config_env
Sample Config File for front_end_service
Sample Config File for catalog_service_3
Sample Config File for order_service_3
Now we're done setting up and will start deploying as follows:
In the instance you choose to be front-end-service run
$ docker run --env-file <path_to_env_file>/<file_name> -p 5004:5004 --name front_end_service hoangho/front_end_service
In the instance you choose to be catalog-service-1 run
$ docker run --env-file <path_to_env_file>/<file_name> -p 5002:5002 --name catalog_service_1 hoangho/catalog_service
In the instance you choose to be catalog-service-2 run
$ docker run --env-file <path_to_env_file>/<file_name> -p 5002:5002 --name catalog_service_2 hoangho/catalog_service
In the instance you choose to be catalog-service-3 run
$ docker run --env-file <path_to_env_file>/<file_name> -p 5002:5002 --name catalog_service_3 hoangho/catalog_service
In the instance you choose to be order-service-1 run
$ docker run --env-file <path_to_env_file>/<file_name> -p 5007:5007 --name order_service_1 hoangho/order_service
In the instance you choose to be order-service-2 run
$ docker run --env-file <path_to_env_file>/<file_name> -p 5007:5007 --name order_service_2 hoangho/order_service
In the instance you choose to be order-service-3 run
$ docker run --env-file <path_to_env_file>/<file_name> -p 5007:5007 --name order_service_3 hoangho/order_service
Follow the following steps to set up the environment:
- Create a network for docker containers to communicate:
docker network create -d bridge my-bridge-network
- Create individual containers for all the micro services and the replicas as follows:
Note: Please have an environment file for every container. The environment file can be download from the ./env folder for each container also.
docker run --env-file <path_to_env_file>/catalog_service_1 -p 5001:5002 --network my-bridge-network --name catalog_service_1 hoangho/catalog_service
docker run --env-file <path_to_env_file>/catalog_service_2 -p 5002:5002 --network my-bridge-network --name catalog_service_2 hoangho/catalog_service
docker run --env-file <path_to_env_file>/catalog_service_3 -p 5003:5002 --network my-bridge-network --name catalog_service_3 hoangho/catalog_service
docker run --env-file <path_to_env_file>/order_service_1 -p 5007:5007 --network my-bridge-network --name order_service_1 hoangho/order_service
docker run --env-file <path_to_env_file>/order_service_2 -p 5006:5007 --network my-bridge-network --name order_service_2 hoangho/order_service
docker run --env-file <path_to_env_file>/order_service_3 -p 5005:5007 --network my-bridge-network --name order_service_3 hoangho/order_service
docker run --env-file <path_to_env_file>/front_end_service -p 5004:5004 --network my-bridge-network --name front_end_service hoangho/front_end_service
Clone the repo and run the following commands:
$ cd CompSci677_Lab3
$ docker-compose up --build
Note: To run a particular container use the following command: docker-compose up --build container-name
To remove all the stopped containers
docker-compose down -v --rmi all --remove-orphans
Prerequisites: Please make sure the environment is runnning by following the above commands.
NOTE: If running locally the host would be localhost instead of Public IPv4 Address
From your local machine, to test the API run the following commands
$ curl --request GET $FRONT_END_PUBLIC_IPv4_DNS:5004/search/<topic_name>
$ curl --request POST $FRONT_END_PUBLIC_IPv4_DNS:5004/buy/<book_id>
$ curl --request GET $FRONT_END_PUBLIC_IPv4_DNS:5004/lookup/<book_id>
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request PUT --data '{"book_id": 1, "request_id": 123 "stock":2000, "cost":2000}' http://$CATALOG_PUBLIC_IPv4_DNS:5002/catalog/update
NOTE: More sample outputs can be found under ./doc/sample_output.txt folder
$ curl --request GET http://localhost:5004/search/distributed-systems
"items": {
"How to finish Project 3 on time.": 5,
"How to get a good grade in 677 in 20 minutes a day.": 1,
"RPCs for Dummies.": 2,
"Why theory classes are so hard.": 6
NOTE: If setting and running from the GitHub Repository please don't update the
file on the client machine to run the tests locally.
NOTE: If setting and running by pulling images directly from the Dockerhub Repositry please make sure that all the containers are running.
$ bash <path_to_file>/