Releases: hodlhodl1132/twitchtoolkit
2.0 Beta (stable)
This is a beta build. Most things are currently working. Many old things exist that aren't used anymore which is why it is bigger than usual in size.
Beta Update 1.7
Custom event resource pod frenzy
Custom event big meteorite shower (off by default due to destructive level)
Default settings buttons for most options now
Added ability to use separate chatrooms
Several command outputs localized, 80% done
Command outputs have been simplified
New command !toolkitcmds for getting all custom viewer commands
Starting karma setting
Starting balance setting
Replaced vote messages in chat with popup window ingame
Stats window shows you how many events have been purchased and how many coins users have been spending
Curve for calculating karma can now be edited, there is no long explanation at the moment but essentially T1 calculations are for 'good' viewers and T3 are 'bad' players, and T4 are 'very bad' viewers
Added balance tab
Added limiter to max amount of events and of each type, should now be easier to prevent spam of bad events all at once. This is easily disabled so lower your pitchforks.
Add ability to disable lurkers from earning coins after set period of time, also has option for half coins after certain time
Adds requirements options for gifting which can prevent viewers from giving 'bad viewers' coins
Revamps entire karma system
Sync currency with streamlabs self hosted chatbot
Sync currency with streamelements cloud loyalty points
New data saver for 3rd party integration
New save method, instead of saving data every minute, data now saves with autosave and regular save
Viewer named colonist queue, takes all current viewers from your stream who have not be added to the game, and raffles the colonist off to be named after viewer.
Installation wizard for first time users
Votes can no longer happen in the background of another vote
Fixed Big mechanoid raid not spawning from being named wrong
Fixed vote options not being calculated right
Fixed bug with event cooldowns not being turned off and sometimes breaking
Fixed output to spreadsheet using special characters
Fixed commands in chat to decode germ chars
Added setting for large voting window
Added setting for voting window display
Added setting for voting options to be sent to chat
Hotfix: Thanks @wutata and @saschahi for working on getting exotic items, like serums available for purchase.
Hotfix: Just sent out new default values for karma tiers and new way of calculating that tier, so make sure once you update to reset to default karma values or else things may seem a bit out of whack
Animal self tame fixed
Ambrosia sprout will not activate on biomes it can't grow in
Streams with 100+ viewers will run smoother
Beta Update 1.6
Major Features
- Adds cooldowns to all events
- Adds viewer names into raids and militaryaid
- Changed top button to be 'search' button instead but technically just puts you at top of list if you have a search query
- Bug fix where chat message wouldn't show up
- Fix Web Request class to support custom GET request and callbacks
- Fixed critical exploit
- Removed web request class from Viewers class for new web request class
- Created new viewers class
- Fixes too many events from cassy/pheobe
- Fixes turning event cooldowns off
Beta Update 1.5.2
Fixed karma type spreadsheet bug
- Removed disabled items from pricing sheet
- Redo of items/events menu to stop GUI errors. Also looks quite a bit better. Added top button.
- Added settings to change minutes between coin payouts, max karma, and minimum purchase price
- Fixed "!buyitem" crashing connection
- Updated !givecoins to specifically work with negative numbers
- Added ability to add most items from the game and most items in mods. This update also changed how items are priced and labeled. As a result your viewers may have to re-familiarize themselves with some of the items. YOU MUST reset your items in the settings if you have a previous version of the mod.
- Default prices on some events changed, as well as bugged events were disabled
- Created check to see if event is possible before purchasing. This might be a controversial change as certain events are no longer stackable. However, this is intended for balance issues. This will help prevent you from losing your colony when your viewers bank lots of coins.
- Fixed many small bugs
- Fixed critical bug with moderators not working (feature still not implemented)
- Changed default settings
- Fixed bug with karma cap not registering
- Fixed bug where default events wouldn't populate
- Changed default event prices
- Fixed disconnect from running when not connected
- Removed unused product from default
- Changed price of disabled events/items to be even when re-enabled
- Added line number to items/events so search filter seems more intuitive
- Added Dev options menu, for more experimental features
- Added Experimental option for including non-minifiable buildings in your item list (grave, ship chunk, ancient barrier, door, wall, etc...)
- Added new command option menu to change commands for user
- Added new purchaselist command that is shortened from instructions
- Added command for modsettings which shows info to user about coin earnage
- Added ability to change karma explanation command
- Small bug fix that changes farm animals to actual farm animals
- Added command and setting for viewers gifting coins to other viewers, off by default
- Changed math to vanilla randomness for farm animals
- Added system for viewer moderators
- Moderators have access to most commands admins did
- Fixed bug where first word in chat message would not appear when not including default item quantity in message
- Added settings for commands to be whispered
- Added setting for purchase confirmations to be turned off
- Fixed bug with custom pricing sheet link command
- Fixed critical exploit
Beta update 1.3.1
- Introduced Item class for better support of item settings
- Added settings menu for items
- Fixed several bugs
- Changed Storyteller descriptions
Beta Update 1.2.21
Adds log messages that might lead me to find bug that crashes game
Adds ability to disable events and disabled some buggy events
Reformatting of several files
Squashes major bug
I just realized that if you put capital letters in your channel name it would crash the entire game. This is part of a bigger issue but i have implemented fix that should work for all of you but i would definitely recommend having auto-save on in the time being. If you are still crashing please submit output_logs to me.
Beta Update 1.2.1
- Added many new settings that can be modified.
- Added art for storytellers and preview
- Added new storyteller spartanbot
Beta update 1.1
- Adds karma system
- Added setting karma cap (inaccessible at the moment though)
- Added several admin commands
- Added user commands
!refreshviewers - updates viewers watching channel, this is for debugging mostly
!karmaround - simulates a coin reward round
!givecoins - Syntax: !givecoins @username 1000 - gives user 1000 coins
!giveallcoins - Syntax: !giveallcoins 1000 - gives all users 1000 coins
!resetviewers - resets all viewers data back to default, must confirm twice
!checkuser - Syntax: !checkuser @username - do a balance check on the user
!setuserkarma - Syntax: !setuserkarma @username 100 - set user karma to 100% (needs message)
!togglestore - toggle ability for users to purchase items/events
!togglecoins - toggle ability for users to earn coins while viewing
User Commands:
!balance, !bal, !coins - check balance and karma rate
!buyevent - Syntax: !buyevent skillincrease - purchase an event
!buyitem - Syntax: !buyitem beer 2 - purchase an item
!whatiskarma, !karma - explains what the karma system is
!purchaselist, !instructions - gives users a link to the public purchase list and info on using the mod
!modinfo - gives users info about the mod
Beta Release
Hello this mod is now in beta release.
To install extract the files and drag the folder TwitchToolkit to your Rimworld/Mods installation.
For Windows users this should be
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld\Mods