Releases: hoggatt/st-combobox
Releases · hoggatt/st-combobox
Support newer streamlit versions >= 1.37.0
Remove st.experimental_rerun()
to support latest version which deprecates it in favor of st.rerun()
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.2.0
Pull updates from streamlit-searchbox
allow setting default options now when initializing or resetting
fix bug to prevent infinite rerun loop on reset
when a default search is specified
add debug statements
v1.0.3 add print debugging for new feature
bump version
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2b
Fix bug where resetting the box causes an infinite loop
Merge pull request #2 from hoggatt/main prevent infinite rerun loop
Allow a reset function
Let the user specify a reset function that is triggered when the combobox is reset
Initial Release
v1.0.0 Update
cleanup + add st.stop option
cleanup print statements, add one more option try st.stop on search keystroke
fix reset behavior
v0.1.8 bug fix reset behavior