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Pi VDU Fonts

David Banks edited this page Dec 28, 2021 · 4 revisions

This page shows the available Pi VDU Driver fonts.

The following program is used to dump the fonts:

   10 MODE 31
   20 VDU 19,15,7;0;
   30 VDU 23,1,0;0;0;0;
   40 N=0
   50 REPEAT
   60 VDU 12
   70 VDU 23,19,0,0,2,2;0;0
   80 VDU 23,19,128,N;0;0;0
   90 PRINT " (font number ";N;")"'
  100 VDU 23,19,0,N;0;0;0
  110 FOR I=0 TO 1
  120 IF I=1 PRINT
  130 VDU 23,19,1,2-I,2-I;0;0;
  140 VDU 23,19,3,I;0;0;0
  150 FOR A=0 TO 255
  160 VDU 27,A
  170 IF A MOD 32=31 PRINT
  180 NEXT
  190 NEXT
  200 Z=GET
  210 N=N+1

Each font is shown twice:

  • without character rounding (and a font scale of 2)
  • with character rounding (and a font scale of 1)

In most cases the effect of character rounding is subtle (or non-existant). But it significantly improves font 22 (SCRIPT) and the fonts 32-39 (the SAA505x for which it is designed).

The following screen shots were captured using cheap HDMI capture dongle. The Pi was running at 1920x1080, and MODE 31 (800x600) was used, which is why there are some scaling artifacts.

(If I get the time I'll try to recapture these without the scaling artifcacts)