The project implements a simple Tournament Manager.
It has two parts - API in asp.NET and frontend in React.
The API has endpoints for all the CRUD operations needed to manage the tournament - to view and modify tournament itself, its players, matches played and players participating in the matches.
- All the controllers in the API are async.
- The API uses database (SQLite) to store the data, the data are accessed using Entity Framework, also in asynchronous way.
The React frontend only displays the data but doesn't modify them (to keep the scope of the project realistic).
From inside of ./TournamentManagerAPI/TournamentManagerAPI/
dotnet restore
dotnet run
The API will run on https://localhost:7191/
You can visit https://localhost:7191/swagger
to see all the available endpoints and to try sending requests to them.
From inside of ./tournament-manager-frontend/
npm install
npm start
(The npm install will require downloading additional data.)
The application will run on http://localhost:3000/