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HOWTO: DZ to ESPHome integration

Vadim Tkachenko edited this page Sep 26, 2023 · 15 revisions

Before you start

This page describes legacy code. To find out how it is currently done, jump here.

IMPORTANT: see Current vs. Legacy Code Base


The Home Assistant Way

ESPHome is well integrated with Home Assistant. If you do already use Home Assistant, you might find HOWTO: DZ to Home Assistant integration the most convenient route (thought it's not the lightest).

The ESPHome way (simplest, currently preferred)

Step 1/2. Configure ESPHome MQTT Client Component on your sensors.

Heed the warnings in Notable Details section, and take a look at MQTT: Useful Tools, Bits and Pieces.

Step 2/2. Configure ESPHome sensors in DZ configuration.

Here's a working example for the imperative branch:

  <!-- IMPERATIVE -->
  <!-- ESPHome MQTT Device Factory -->
  <bean id="esphome-device-factory"
    <!-- Broker host -->
    <constructor-arg index="0" value="dz-house"/>
    <!-- Root topic - publish -->
    <constructor-arg index="1" value="/hcc/house"/>
    <!-- Root topic - subscribe -->
    <constructor-arg index="2" value="/esphome"/>
  <!-- ESPHome sensors -->
  <bean id="esphome_sensor-kitchen-1wire-0"
    <constructor-arg value="kitchen-1wire-0"/>

You're done, esphome_sensor-kitchen-1wire-0 is the name of the sensor you can use from this point on.

Reactive configuration is a bit different:

  <!-- REACTIVE -->
  <!-- Factories -->
  <!-- ESPHome MQTT listener -->
  <bean id="esphome-listener-dz-house" class="net.sf.dz3r.device.esphome.v1.ESPHomeListener">
    <!-- Broker host -->
    <constructor-arg index="0" value="dz-house"/>
    <!-- Root topic - subscribe -->
    <constructor-arg index="1" value="/esphome"/>
  <!-- Sensor Fluxes -->
  <!-- ESPHome -->
  <bean id="sensor-flux-workshop-west-temperature"
    <constructor-arg value="workshop-fallback-1wire-temperature"/>

The Long Way (useful elsewhere)

This integration was implemented for generic MQTT producers before ESPHome was discovered. ESPHomeDeviceFactory made it obsolete for ESPHome integration, but it is still valid for generic MQTT devices, so it is retained here as an example.

Step 1/3. Configure ESPHome MQTT Client Component on your sensors.

Step 2/3. Configure sensors to send JSON payload over MQTT.

Here's a working example:

  - pin: GPIO4
    update_interval: 5s

  - platform: dallas
    address: 0xBC0000027CA43928
    id: BC0000027CA43928
    resolution: 12
    accuracy_decimals: 4
    name: "test drive A"
    retain: false
            - mqtt.publish_json:
                topic: /hcc/sensor/BC0000027CA43928
                    root["entity_type"] = "sensor";
                    root["name"] = "BC0000027CA43928";
                    root["signature"] = "TBC0000027CA43928";
                    root["signal"] = id(BC0000027CA43928).state;
                    root["device_id"] = "ESP8266-00E470CD";

  broker: [ip-address]
  topic_prefix: /esphome
  log_topic: /esphome-log/00E470CD

Notable Details

  • JSON entries DZ absolutely requires to recognize the payload as coming from a DZ Edge Device are:
    • entity_type = sensor
    • name
    • signal
  • The rest are optional, but DZ will be able to make more sense out of the payload if they are present.
  • The name that gets passed to DZ is root["name"], and not YAML sensor/name - that one goes to Home Assistant.
  • You want retain: false - ESPHome doesn't emit timestamps, and retained MQTT sensor readings are likely to be incorrect and throw consumers off (default is retain: true).
  • You definitely want accuracy_decimals: 4, the default value of 1 will degrade DZ control quality.
  • You definitely want update_interval to be more often than the default 60 seconds. 30 is fine, 10 is better, 5 is awesome.
  • You don't need to worry about expire_after, DZ keeps track of sensor readings itself.
  • See if you want any sensor filters configured - you might, if you're using analog sensors, or need to calibrate your sensors.
  • DZ doesn't care about the topic much; all you need to do is to make sure that topic provided us a subtopic of the topic DZ listens on.

Step 3/3. Configure DZ to consume MQTT sensors.

Follow directions in HOWTO: MQTT Sensors.