Official implementation for the paper:
Trust-Region Eigenvalue Filtering for Projected Newton
Honglin Chen1, Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu3,4, Alec Jacobson2,6, David I.W. Levin2,5, Changxi Zheng1
> 1Columbia University, 2University of Toronto, 3Roblox, 4University of British Columbia,
5NVIDIA, 6Adobe Research
> SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 (Conference Track)
To build the code, please run
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j8
To run the code with our trust-region eigenvalue projection strategy, please run, e.g.,
sh ../scripts/
We provide several examples in scripts/
You can find the results in results/
To run the same example with the eigenvalue clamping strategy (or the absolute eigenvalue projection strategy), add --clamp
(or --abs
) option after the command in the above scripts.
The default eigenvalue clamping algorithm uses 0 as the clamping threshold. To use a different clamping threshold (e.g., a small positive number), add --epsilon [threshold]
option after the command.
We provide the python scripts in experiments/
to run the experiments in our paper.
To run one experiment of a specific figure, please run, e.g.,
python ../experiments/teaser_frog/
The python script will iteratively run the example with different eigenvalue filtering strategies and Poisson's ratios. You can find the results in results/
For more options, please see
./example --help
As a research prototype, we choose to make minimal modifications in TinyAD when adding our new projection method.
We clone TinyAD to the project folder,
and comment out and change lines 71-75 in TinyAD/include/TinyAD/Utils/HessianProjection.hh
if (_eigenvalue_eps < 0) {
// project to absolute value if the eigenvalue threshold is set to be less than 0
if (D(i, i) < 0)
D(i, i) = -D(i, i);
all_positive = false;
else {
// project to epsilon otherwise
if (D(i, i) < _eigenvalue_eps)
D(i, i) = _eigenvalue_eps;
all_positive = false;
Thus we simply use eps < 0
(e.g., eps = -1
) as a flag for absolute eigenvalue projection.
To implement our adaptive eigenvalue projection strategy, we compute the trust region ratio and use it as a threshold to switch between the abs and clamp strategy.
title={Trust-Region Eigenvalue Filtering for Projected Newton},
author={Honglin Chen and Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu and Alec Jacobson and David I.W. Levin and Changxi Zheng},
booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Proceedings},
year = {2024}