librarian restful project
To run the service:
- start the mongo database service:
$> docker-compose -f mongo.yml up
- start the server:
$> ./librarian
use swagger to first validate the config:
$> swagger validate ./swagger/swagger.yml
then generate the server:
swagger generate server --target=./swagger --spec=./swagger/swagger.yml --exclude-main --name library
to generate the client run:
swagger generate client --target=./client --spec=./swagger/swagger.yml --name library
- start the mongo database:
$> docker-compose -f mongo.yml up
- Then the service:
$> ./librarian
- Due to not implementing any Librarian management endpoints, we have to create a couple of librarians first:
a. head to the mongo db admin: localhost:8081
b. create a database (if one doesn't exist) called library
c. create a collection (if one doesn't exist) called librarians
d. create the librarians with the following attributes:
role | username |
Senior | Janice |
Librarian | Jason |
- Now in a different terminal get the godog executable:
$> go get
first goto acceptance_test
directory then:
godog -c 0 --random
N.B. we have to turn concurrent scenario execution off (-c 0).
N.B. --random is used to ensure random scenario execution order.