yarn add twict
# or
npm install twict
yarn add twict
# or
npm install twict
download ngrok to your environment.
start http tunnel on port 5000 and copy https://*.ngrok.io
ngrok http 5000
// like-detection.ts
import { Activity, isExpectEventType } from 'twict'
async function main() {
const activity = new Activity('your environment label', {
consumerKey: 'your consumer key',
consumerSecret: 'your consumer secret',
token: 'your access token',
tokenSecret: 'your access token secret',
activity.onFavorite((event) => {
for (const like of event.favorite_events) {
`${like.user.screen_name} liked your tweet (${like.favorited_status.text})`
await activity.listen(5000)
await activity.deleteAllWebhooks()
await activity.registerWebhook('your ngrok url here')
await activity.subscribe()
and run with ts-node.
npx ts-node like-detection.ts