Includes Java and JNI functionality that extends the fost-android-ndk
project to allow certain features to be accessible from Java code.
Typically you'll want to add this as a submodule somewhere suitable in your project. It's probably simplest to then soft link in the Java and native code.
cd src/com
ln -s ../../fost-android-java/src/com/felspar felspar
cd ../../jni
ln -s ../../fost-android-java/jni fost-android-java
You need to have fost-android-ndk
included in your
before including the make file for the JNI code. E.g. the beginning of your make file should now look something like this:
JNI := $(call my-dir)
include $(JNI)/fost-android-ndk/
include $(JNI)/fost-android-java/
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
It would then go on with your local module definition and code.