This is a client library for IoT devices implementing the Secure Control Protocol. It is used by the HouseOS Client App.
It also provides a very basic CLI client for demonstration purposes.
Install the Dart SDK version > 2.10.
Afterwards run pub get
to fetch all dependencies.
Now the commands below can be used.
dart compile exe ./bin/scp_client.dart
See below.
dart run <path to test>
The CLI client supports all necessary commands:
> dart .\bin\scp_client.dart help
Secure Control Protocol CLI Client
Usage: scp-client.exe <command> [arguments]
Global options:
-h, --help Print this usage information.
Available commands:
control Control the selected device.
discover Discover all devices in a given IP range.
measure Measure a value.
provision Provision all available devices.
rename Rename the selected device.
reset Reset the selected device.
update Update the IP addresses of all devices in a given IP range.
Run "scp-client.exe help <command>" for more information about a command.
> dart .\bin\scp_client.dart help control
Control the selected device.
Usage: scp-client.exe control [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-c, --command=<Any string registered in the device.> The command to send to the device.
-d, --deviceId=<Can be looked up in the json with the provisioned devices.> The ID of the device to control.
-j, --json=<Path in the filesystem.> Path to the JSON file containing all known devices.
Run "scp-client.exe help" to see global options.
> dart .\bin\scp_client.dart help discover
Discover all devices in a given IP range.
Usage: scp-client.exe discover [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-i, --ipaddress=<IPv4 Address (AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD)> IP address from the subnet to be scanned.
-m, --mask=<0 - 32> The subnet mask of the network to scan.
-j, --json=<Path in the filesystem.> Path to the JSON file containing all known devices.
Run "scp-client.exe help" to see global options.
> dart .\bin\scp_client.dart help measure
Measure a value.
Usage: scp-client.exe measure [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-a, --action=<Any string registered in the device.> The measure action to send to the device.
-d, --deviceId=<Can be looked up in the json with the provisioned devices.> The ID of the device to control.
-j, --json=<Path in the filesystem.> Path to the JSON file containing all known devices.
Run "scp-client.exe help" to see global options
> dart .\bin\scp_client.dart help provision
Provision all available devices.
Usage: scp-client.exe provision [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-i, --ipaddress=<IPv4 Address (AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD)> IP address from the subnet to be scanned.
-m, --mask=<0 - 32> The subnet mask of the network to scan.
-s, --ssid=<SSID> The SSID of the Wifi the device should connect to.
-p, --password=<String (32 Characters)> The Wifi password.
-j, --json Export the provisioned devices to the given JSON file to be able to load them for the next command.
Run "scp-client.exe help" to see global options
> dart .\bin\scp_client.dart help rename
Rename the selected device.
Usage: scp-client.exe rename [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-d, --deviceId=<Can be looked up in the json with the provisioned devices.> The ID of the device to control.
-n, --name=<> The new name of the device.
-j, --json=<Path in the filesystem.> Path to the JSON file containing all known devices.
Run "scp-client.exe help" to see global options.
> dart .\bin\scp_client.dart help reset
Reset the selected device.
Usage: scp-client.exe reset [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-d, --deviceId=<Can be looked up in the json with the provisioned devices.> The ID of the device to control.
-j, --json=<Path in the filesystem.> Path to the JSON file containing all known devices.
Run "scp-client.exe help" to see global options.
> dart .\bin\scp_client.dart help update
Update the stored information of all devices in a given IP range.
Usage: scp-client.exe update [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-i, --ipaddress=<IPv4 Address (AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD)> IP address from the subnet to be scanned.
-m, --mask=<0 - 32> The subnet mask of the network to scan.
-j, --json=<Path in the filesystem.> Path to the JSON file containing all known devices.
Run "scp-client.exe help" to see global options.
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
The full version of the license can be found in LICENSE.