A sample Angular 2 application implemented in TypeScript based on the Angular 2 Seed project. Live running sample can be found here.
- Simple registration & authentication
- Weather & traffic map with simulated real-time data updates from server
- Real-time chat
- Cellphone usage charts and graphs
- Guess the Animal game with tree visualization
- Quizes -- create, take, grade
- Todo (Redux)
- Angular 2
- Redux
- D3 visualization library
- Google charts
- socket.io (client)
- RxJs
- node/express
- mongodb
- socket.io (server)
- RxJs
##Contact Info##
Thanks to the members of the angualar2-seed team
mgechev | ludohenin | tarlepp | NathanWalker | aboeglin | jesperronn |
ryzy | nareshbhatia | natarajanmca11 | jerryorta-dev | JakePartusch | ouq77 |
larsthorup | devanp92 | evanplaice | LuxDie | c-ice | ojacquemart |
TuiKiken | juristr | dstockhammer | dszymczuk | briantopping | dwido |
This application is running at https://angular-mashup.herokuapp.com/