Simula Research Laboratory and University of Oslo
- Oslo, Norway
- http://folk.uio.no/hpl
- Pro
prog4comp Public
Resources for the book "Programming for Computations" by S. Linge and H. P. Langtangen
pysketcher Public
Python-based drawing tool for making sketches of mechanics problems.
fenics-tutorial Public
Source files and published documents for the FEniCS tutorial.
num-methods-for-PDEs Public
Lecture material on numerical methods for partial differential equations.
doconce Public
Lightweight markup language - document once, include anywhere
odespy Public
Easy access in Python to a large collection of ODE solvers
decay-book Public
Resources for the book "Finite Difference Computing with Exponential Decay Models" by H. P. Langtangen
scitools Public
Additional scientific computing functionality in Python - extensions to NumPy/SciPy++
bumpy Public
Quick tutorial of scientific computing with Python using a real physics application.
scipro-primer Public
Software and additional material for the book "A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python"
fdm-book Public
Resources for "The Craft of Finite Difference Computing with Partial Differential Equations" by H. P. Langtangen
latexslides Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/latexslides
parampool Public
Set and retrieve parameters for simulation models using diverse interfaces (command line, web GUI, file)
vagrantbox Public
Tutorial for Vagrant boxes and related technologies such as virtualenv.
ptex2tex Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/ptex2tex
interactive-documents Public
Ideas and tests for how to make interactive (DocOnce) documents, e.g., with flask.
1 UpdatedJul 19, 2016 -
scaling-book Public
Resources for the book "Scaling of Differential Equations".
bioinf-py Public
Illustrating Python via examples from bioinformatics
web4sciapps Public
Examples on using web frameworks for making scientific applications.
drug-book Public
The drug modeling book by Aslak Tveito and Glenn T. Lines translated to DocOnce.
cse-physics Public
Paper on the Computing in Science Education project and its impact on physics education.
preprocess Public
C/C++ preprocessor-like tool for a range of languages (i.e., #ifdef, #ifndef, #if-else, #include, etc. for Python, LaTeX, Bash, JavaScript, "whatever").
INF5620 Public
Course material from 2013 for the course INF5620 Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
setup4book-doconce Public
Flexible setup for writing a book as assembly of chapters written in DocOnce markup.
scalar-vector-fields Public
Python tools for computing with and plotting scalar and vector fields.
physical-quantities Public
The PhysicalQuantity class made independent of K. Hinsen's ScientificPython package.