📝 An App for super-hero nerds for all the nerdy information about their favorite superheroes from Marvel and DC comics.
Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/hrithik73/super-heros.git
Next, run the next command to install all project dependencies: For Yarn:
For npm:yarn install
npm install
Get into the folder of the project by running the next command:
cd super-nerds
Start your expo-server by running the next command:
expo start
OR you can also use npm
npm start
After server get started open open your expo client App on android or ios and scan the QR code to run the app
- This project uses expo-cli to build the react-native apps
- A special mention and thanks to this awesome api which is the heart of this application https://superheroapi.com/
- Github: Hrithik Singh
- Twitter: @_hrithiksingh
- Linkedin: Hrithik Singh
Pull requests are welcome. Please feel free to make a contribution, report any issue, feature request or provide any feedback.