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A program suite for separating the frontend and backend of Emby service playback.


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A program suite for separating the frontend and backend of Emby service playback.

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  1. This project is a frontend application for separating Emby media service playback into frontend and backend components. It works in conjunction with the playback backend PiliPili Playback Backend.
  2. This program is largely based on YASS-Frontend. The original version was implemented in Python. To achieve better compatibility, it has been rewritten in Go and optimized to enhance usability.


  1. Use a specific nginx configuration (refer to nginx.conf) to redirect Emby playback URLs to a designated port.
  2. The program listens for requests arriving at the port and extracts the MediaSourceId and ItemId.
  3. Request the corresponding file's relative path (EmbyPath) from the Emby service.
  4. Generate a signed URL by encrypting the configuration's Encipher value with the expiration time (expireAt) to create a signature.
  5. Concatenate the backend playback URL (backendURL) with the EmbyPath and signature.
  6. Redirect the playback request to the generated URL for backend handling.



  • Compatible with all Emby server versions.
  • Supports high concurrency, handling multiple requests simultaneously.
  • Support for deploying Emby server with strm.
  • Request caching, enabling fast responses for identical MediaSourceId and ItemId requests, reducing playback startup time.
  • Link signing, where the frontend generates and the backend verifies the signature. Mismatched signatures result in a 401 Unauthorized error.
  • Link expiration, with an expiration time embedded in the signature to prevent unauthorized usage and continuous theft via packet sniffing.

Configuration File

# Logging configuration
LogLevel: "INFO" # Log level (e.g., info, debug, warn, error)

# Encryption settings
Encipher: "vPQC5LWCN2CW2opz" # Key used for encryption and obfuscation

# Emby server configuration
  url: "" # The base URL for the Emby server
  port: 8096
  apiKey: "6a15d65893024675ba89ffee165f8f1c"  # API key for accessing the Emby server

# Frontend related configuration
	symlinkBasePath: "/mnt/symlink" # Design for media library for symlink
# Backend streaming configuration
    url: "" # The backend URL for streaming service
    storageBasePath: "/mnt/anime"

# Streaming configuration
PlayURLMaxAliveTime: 21600 # Maximum lifetime of the play URL in seconds (e.g., 6 hours)

# Server configuration
  port: 60001

# Special medias configuration
   # The key values below can be filled as needed. If not required, they can be left empty.
   - key: "MediaMissing"
     name: "Default media for missing cases"
     mediaPath: "specialMedia/mediaMissing"
     itemId: "mediaMissing-item-id"
     mediaSourceID: "mediaMissing-media-source-id"
   - key: "September18"
     name: "September 18 - Commemorative Media"
     mediaPath: "specialMedia/september18"
     itemId: "september18-item-id"
     mediaSourceID: "september18-media-source-id"
   - key: "October1"
     name: "October 1 - National Day Media"
     mediaPath: "specialMedia/october1"
     itemId: "october1-item-id"
     mediaSourceID: "october1-media-source-id"
   - key: "December13"
     name: "December 13 - Nanjing Massacre Commemoration"
     mediaPath: "specialMedia/december13"
     itemId: "december13-item-id"
     mediaSourceID: "december13-media-source-id"
   - key: "ChineseNewYearEve"
     name: "Chinese New Year's Eve Media"
     mediaPath: "specialMedia/chinesenewyeareve"
     itemId: "chinesenewyeareve-item-id"
     mediaSourceID: "chinesenewyeareve-media-source-id"
  • LogLevel: The log level for printing logs

    • WARN: Displays all logs unless enabling DEBUG does not meet the needs; generally, this log level is not recommended.
    • DEBUG: Displays logs at the DEBUG/INFO/ERROR levels; if debugging is needed, it is recommended to use this level.
    • INFO: Displays logs at the INFO/ERROR levels; this level is usually sufficient under normal circumstances.
    • ERROR: If the system is stable enough and has reached an unattended stage, this level can be used to reduce the number of logs.
  • Encipher: The encryption factor, which is a 16-character string used for signature obfuscation. The frontend and backend must remain consistent.

  • Emby:

    • url: The address where the Emby service is deployed. If the frontend application and the Emby service are on the same machine, can be used.
    • port: The port where the Emby service is deployed, usually 8096. Configure as needed.
    • apikey: The APIKey for the Emby service, used to retrieve media file URLs from the Emby service.
  • Frontend:

    • symlinkBasePath: Design for media library for strm.
  • Backend:

    • url: The URL for remote streaming.
      • If using http, the port number must be included, e.g., http://ip:port.
      • If using https on port 443, the port number can be omitted, e.g.,
    • storageBasePath:
      • Prerequisite: The frontend needs to map the storage path in the Emby service to the actual storage file path on the backend.
      • The relative path of the directory to be hidden, relative to the remote mounted directory. For example: If the local EmbyPath is /mnt/anime/动漫/海贼王 (1999)/Season 22/37854 S22E1089 2160p.B-Global.mkv, but you want to hide the /mnt part, enter /mnt in the frontend's storageBasePath. Correspondingly, in the backend configuration, set StorageBasePath to /mnt.
      • In other words, the part of the path you want to hide must be configured in the backend.
  • PlayURLMaxAliveTime: The expiration time for playback links, in seconds. Typically, 6 hours (set to 21600) is sufficient to prevent malicious packet capturing, which could otherwise allow the same link to be watched or downloaded indefinitely.

  • Server:

    • port: The port to be listened on. If there are no special requirements, the default value 60001 can be used.
  • SpecialMedias: Used to redirect media with special significance, such as content related to Chinese traditional holidays or historical events. Currently supported events include (There's no need for that. Just set it to null.):

    • MediaMissing: Redirects to a default media file if the server file is missing.
    • September18: Commemorates the "Mukden Incident" of September 18, a significant historical date for China, promoting remembrance of history, peace, and perseverance.
    • October1:Celebrates October 1, China's National Day.
    • December13: Commemorates China's National Memorial Day on December 13, urging remembrance of history, peace, and perseverance.

How to Use

1. Install Using Docker (Recommended)

1.1 Create a Docker Directory

mkdir -p /data/docker/pilipili_frontend

1.2 Create Configuration Folder and File

cd /data/docker/pilipili_frontend
mkdir -p config && cd config

Copy config.yaml to the config folder and edit it as needed.

1.3 Create docker-compose.yaml

Navigate back to the /data/docker/pilipili_frontend directory, and copy docker-compose.yml to this directory.

1.4 Start the Container

docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d

2. Manual Installation

2.1: Install Go Environment

2.1.1 Remove Existing Go Installation
rm -rf /usr/local/go
2.1.2 Download and Install Latest Go Version
wget -q -O /tmp/go.tar.gz && tar -C /usr/local -xzf /tmp/go.tar.gz && rm /tmp/go.tar.gz
2.1.3 Add Go to Environment Variables
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
2.1.4 Verify Installation
go version
# Expected output: go version go1.23.5 linux/amd64

2.2: Clone the Frontend Repository

Clone the repository into a directory, e.g., /data/emby_fronted.

git clone /data/emby_fronted

2.3: Configure the Application

Edit the config.yaml file in the repository to match your setup.

2.4: Run the Application

Run the program in the background:

nohup go run main.go config.yaml > stream.log 2>&1 &


A program suite for separating the frontend and backend of Emby service playback.








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