This is a puppet-graphite module. All bugs procduced by [email protected]
This module depends on
This module can be installed via the puppet module tool:
puppet module install KrisBuytaert/graphite
I've made the packaged versions of graphite-web, carbon and whisper. available on
The repository has been updated to have 0.9.10 versions of carbon, whisper and graphite-web
yumrepo { 'monitoringsucks':
baseurl => '',
descr => 'MonitoringSuck at Inuits',
gpgcheck => '0',
You can also use your own repo And you also need to have EPEL available e.g from
yumrepo {'epel':
baseurl => '',
descr => 'Epel Repo at Inuits',
gpgcheck => '0',
include graphite
graphite::carbon::storage {"default_1min_for_1day":
pattern => ".*",
retentions => "60s:1d",
Note that without this define you won't have the default behaviour.
More Detailed Examples on how to use this module including a fully functional Vagrant box can be found on
I've tagged the code that supports 0.9.9 versions of graphite-web and carbon with the 0.9.9 tag ..