The Luxembourg Bus Telegram Bot is a simple Telegram Bot to get the most accurate data regarding next bus/tram within a specific station. Uses the (un)official vdl RealTime API to get the data and then transforms it into a standard output. Originated from my frustration that buses never follow the schedule and the fact the website randomly selects to give either minutes left or "bus will leave at xx:yy", which leads to unnecessary math.
- Search by Bus Number or by Station name
- Get the latest schedules in a consistent output
- Quickly access your favourite stations/lines.
Clone the repo, create a .env file with bot_api = 'your_bot_token' and mongodb_connection = 'your_mongodb_connection' and run the Lux Bus Telegram Bot file.
In case the stations have changed, run the to update the db.
- Create a db to save the user's favourite stations or station/bus combinations
- Alert the user when his normal bus (e.g. the 18 that leaves Station X at 8:30am) is running early/late - very hard to scale properly
- Create a proper db system that isn't based out of csv files (keep in mind that the bot runs continously, functions need to open/insert/save in the same step)
- Introduce limitations to avoid overburdening the API, as this bot hasn't been blessed by the Grand Duke yet - logging might help with this (if chat_id has over 10 requests in the past 5 seconds, throttle it)
- Consider using the ConversationHandler instead of one MessageHandler to seperate both workflows (Search by Bus No and by Station)
- Create a proper logger to gather usage data for statistics/debug
- Allow the user to select more than one bus when searching
- I want to know when the next bus that passes on my stop will come (from Hamilius I can take bus X and Y thus I only want to see those)
- If a certain flag is activated, I will only see the busses that pass by my destination (not necessarily my stop but one nearby that I don't mind to walk from)
- Create user preferences
- Allow users to choose how many busses they want to be shown (currently only 5 are given)
- Add more comments to the code
- Refactor getStation/checkFavs to avoid duplicating code