A Python 3 library and a corresponding command line utility for accessing old tweets.
GetOldTweets3 is an improvement fork of the original Jefferson Henrique's GetOldTweets-python. It fixes known issues and adds features such as searching tweets over multiple users accounts. GetOldTweets3 supports only Python 3.
Twitter Official API has the bother limitation of time constraints, you can't get older tweets than a week. Some tools provide access to older tweets but in the most of them you have to spend some money before. I was searching other tools to do this job but I didn't found it, so after analyze how Twitter Search through browser works I understand its flow. Basically when you enter on Twitter page a scroll loader starts, if you scroll down you start to get more and more tweets, all through calls to a JSON provider. After mimic we get the best advantage of Twitter Search on browsers, it can search the deepest oldest tweets.
Use pip install GetOldTweets3
or pip install -e git+https://github.com/Mottl/GetOldTweets3#egg=GetOldTweets3
GetOldTweets3: exports tweets to a specified csv file ("output_got.csv" by default).
Get help:
GetOldTweets3 -h
Get tweets by username:
GetOldTweets3 --username "barackobama" --maxtweets 1
Get tweets by several usernames (use multiple --username options or a comma/space separated list):
GetOldTweets3 --username "BarackObama,AngelaMerkeICDU" --username "WhiteHouse" --maxtweets 1
(check https://github.com/Mottl/influencers for some prepared lists of usernames)
Get top tweets from users specified in files and also specific users:
GetOldTweets3 --usernames-from-file userlist.txt --usernames-from-file additinal_list.txt --username "barackobama,whitehouse" --toptweets
Get tweets by a query search:
GetOldTweets3 --querysearch "europe refugees" --maxtweets 1
Get tweets by a username and bound dates:
GetOldTweets3 --username "barackobama" --since 2015-09-10 --until 2015-09-12 --maxtweets 1
Get the last 10 top tweets by a username:
GetOldTweets3 --username "barackobama" --maxtweets 10 --toptweets
Get tweets by a language:
GetOldTweets3 --querysearch "bitcoin" --maxtweets 10 --lang cn
Get tweets by location:
GetOldTweets3 --querysearch "bitcoin" --near "Berlin, Germany" --within 15mi
Tweet: Model class that describes a specific tweet.
- id (str)
- permalink (str)
- username (str)
- to (str)
- text (str)
- date (datetime) in UTC
- retweets (int)
- favorites (int)
- mentions (str)
- hashtags (str)
- geo (str)
TweetManager: A manager class to help getting tweets in Tweet's model.
- getTweets (TwitterCriteria): Return the list of tweets retrieved by using an instance of TwitterCriteria.
TwitterCriteria: A collection of search parameters to be used together with TweetManager.
- setUsername (str or iterable): An optional specific username(s) from a twitter account (with or without "@").
- setSince (str. "yyyy-mm-dd"): A lower bound date (UTC) to restrict search.
- setUntil (str. "yyyy-mm-dd"): An upper bound date (not included) to restrict search.
- setQuerySearch (str): A query text to be matched.
- setTopTweets (bool): If True only the Top Tweets will be retrieved.
- setNear(str): A reference location area from where tweets were generated.
- setWithin (str): A distance radius from "near" location (e.g. 15mi).
- setMaxTweets (int): The maximum number of tweets to be retrieved. If this number is unsetted or lower than 1 all possible tweets will be retrieved.
Get tweets by username(s):
import GetOldTweets3 as got
tweetCriteria = got.manager.TweetCriteria().setUsername("barackobama whitehouse")\
tweet = got.manager.TweetManager.getTweets(tweetCriteria)[0]
Get tweets by query search:
tweetCriteria = got.manager.TweetCriteria().setQuerySearch('europe refugees')\
tweet = got.manager.TweetManager.getTweets(tweetCriteria)[0]
Get tweets by username and bound dates:
tweetCriteria = got.manager.TweetCriteria().setUsername("barackobama")\
tweet = got.manager.TweetManager.getTweets(tweetCriteria)[0]
Get the last 10 top tweets by username:
tweetCriteria = got.manager.TweetCriteria().setUsername("barackobama")\
tweet = got.manager.TweetManager.getTweets(tweetCriteria)[0]