Hunt is a high-level D Programming Language Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It lets you build high-performance Web applications quickly and easily.
Start read hunt framework wiki for documents.
git clone myproject
cd myproject
dub run -v
Open the URL with the browser:
# [GET,POST,PUT...] path controller.action
GET / index.index
GET /users user.list
POST /user/login user.login
* /images staticDir:public/images
module app.controller.index;
import hunt.framework;
class IndexController : Controller
mixin MakeController;
string index()
return "Hello world!";
View hunt-skeleton or hunt-examples.
- Routing
- Caching
- Middleware
- Configuration
- Validation
- Entity & Repository
- Form
- Template Engine
- Task Worker
- Security
- WebSocket (with STOMP)
QQ Group: 184183224