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HydraFW HydraNFC v2 guide dnfc mode
Benjamin Vernoux edited this page Jun 22, 2024
7 revisions
HydraNFC Shield v2 must be plugged on the front side of HydraBus! (PowerOff the HydraBus before to plug HydraNFC)
This guide is updated towards firmware release HydraBus v1 HydraNFC Shield v2 firmware v0.2 Beta
show Show DNFCv2 parameters
frequency Set SPI Bus frequency
trigger Setup DNFCv2 SPI2 trigger
set-nfc-mode Set NFC Mode and TX/RX BitRate in kbit/s
get-nfc-mode Get NFC Mode
set-nfc-obsv Set NFC Observer(ON=1/OFF=0) and 8bits value for TX/RX
get-nfc-obsv Get NFC Observer(ON=1/OFF=0) and 8bits value for TX/RX
nfc-off-on Set RF field off/on
nfc-reqa Send ISO 14443-A REQA
nfc-wupa Send ISO 14443-A WUPA
send Send bytes according to the selected mode
send-auto Send bytes according to the selected mode and add CRC
nfc-transp Enter NFC Transparent Test Mode
nfc-stream Enter NFC Stream Test Mode
sniff Enter NFC Sniff Test Mode
read SPI Read byte (repeat with :<num>)
hd SPI Read byte (repeat with :<num>) and print hexdump
write SPI Write byte (repeat with :<num>)
<integer> SPI Write byte (repeat with :<num>)
<string> SPI Write string
cs-on SPI Alias for "chip-select on"
cs-off SPI Alias for "chip-select off"
[ SPI Alias for "chip-select on"
] SPI Alias for "chip-select off"
& Delay 1 usec (repeat with :<num>)
% Delay 1 msec (repeat with :<num>)
~ SPI Write a random byte (repeat with :<num>)
- Toggle PC3 pin high
_ Toggle PC3 pin low
exit Exit DNFCv2 mode
Debug/Developer mode for NFC Shield v2 with dnfc
mode using nfc-mode
and doing "manual" anti-collision on NFC-A
Help on set-nfc-mode
dnfc2> help set-nfc-mode
Set NFC Mode and TX/RX BitRate in kbit/s
nfc-mode Set NFC Mode
nfc-mode-tx_br Set TX BitRate
BR_106=0, BR_212=1, BR_424=2, BR_848=3
BR_52p97=235, BR_26p48=236, BR_1p66=237
nfc-mode-rx_br Set RX BitRate
BR_106=0, BR_212=1, BR_424=2, BR_848=3
BR_52p97=235, BR_26p48=236, BR_1p66=237
dnfc2> set-nfc-mode nfc-mode 1 nfc-mode-tx_br 0 nfc-mode-rx_br 0
nfc-mode = 1
nfc-mode-tx_br = 0
nfc-mode-rx_br = 0
rfalSetMode OK
dnfc2> get-nfc-mode
nfc-mode = 1
nfc-mode-tx_br = 0
nfc-mode-rx_br = 0
Example usage of nfc-mode with basic anti-collision on NFC-A:
dnfc2> set-nfc-mode nfc-mode 1
nfc-mode = 1
nfc-mode-tx_br = 0
nfc-mode-rx_br = 0
rfalSetMode OK
dnfc2> nfc-off-on
dnfc2> nfc-reqa
02 00
dnfc2> send 9320
9A A5 0F C8 F8
dnfc2> send-auto 93709AA50FC8F8
Example SPI low level communication with HydraNFC Shield v2 ST25R3916:
- Write a register in Space A
- Write register 0x00 to value 0x00
[0x00 0x00]
- Write register 0x2C to value 0x84
[0x2C 0x84]
- Write register 0x00 to value 0x00
- Read a register in Space A (Register OR 0x40)
- Read register 0x00 in Space A
[0x40 r]
- Read register 0x2C in Space A
[0x6C r]
- Read register 0x00 in Space A
- Write a register in Space B
- Write register 0x05 to value 0x00 in Space B
[0xFB 0x05 0x00]
- Write register 0x33 to value 0x84 in Space B
[0xFB 0x33 0x84]
- Write register 0x05 to value 0x00 in Space B
- Read a register in Space B (Register OR 0x40)
- Read register 0x05 in Space B
[0xFB 0x45 r]
- Read register 0x2C in Space B
[0xFB 0x73 r]
- Read register 0x05 in Space B
- Send direct command
- Set Default (Puts the ST25R3916 into power-up state)
- Set Default (Puts the ST25R3916 into power-up state)
- Analog Test and Observation Register 1 (Test Output CSI/CSO)
- Write Analog Test and Observation Register 1 to value 0x05 => Pin CSI = Tag demodulator analog / Pin CSO = Tag demodulator OOK digital out
[0xFC 0x01 0x05]
- Read Analog Test and Observation Register 1 (Register OR 0x40)
[0xFC 0x41 r]
- Write Analog Test and Observation Register 1 to value 0x05 => Pin CSI = Tag demodulator analog / Pin CSO = Tag demodulator OOK digital out
- Finalize code for following modes:
Enter NFC Transparent Test Mode -
Enter NFC Stream Test Mode -
Enter NFC Sniff Test Mode
- ST25R3916 Main page https://www.st.com/en/nfc/st25r3916.html
- ST25R3916 Datasheet https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/st25r3916.pdf
- HydraNFC Shield v2 st25r3916 NFC chipset spi decoder/dumps for sigrok/PulseView
HydraNFC Shield v2 / ST25R39xx chipset NFC decoder available in Sigrok/PulseView nigthly builds
- st25r39xx Decoder available in official sigrokproject repository see https://github.com/sigrokproject/libsigrokdecode/tree/master/decoders/st25r39xx_spi
- st25r39xx Dumps available in official sigrokproject repository see https://github.com/sigrokproject/sigrok-dumps/tree/master/nfc/st25r39xx
- See also original repository https://github.com/hydrabus/st25r3916_decoder_dumps_sigrok