François Steinmetz
Pierre-Yves Deschamps
Didier Ramon
This is the python/cython implementation of the Polymer atmospheric correction algorithm.
Polymer is written in python3. It is highly recommended to use anaconda
to install all required dependencies. The miniconda version is sufficient.
The file environment.yml
can be used to install the dependencies, either in your current
anaconda environment, or in a new one.
To create a new anaconda environment (independent python installation) with Polymer dependencies:
conda create -n polymer -c conda-forge mamba
conda activate polymer
mamba env update -f environment.yml
The auxiliary data can be downloaded with the following command:
$ make auxdata_all
The pyx files are cython files which need to be converted to C, then compiled. A makefile is provided, so just type:
$ make
NOTE: the command make all
will download the auxiliary files and proceed to the compilation.
There is a minimalistic command line interface
./ <level1> <level2>
Where is a level1 file or directory for any of the supported sensors, and is the result to be generated.
See ./ -h
for more help
More options are available by running polymer directly from your own python script.
from polymer.main import run_atm_corr
from polymer.level1 import Level1
from polymer.level2 import Level2
<other optional level1 arguments>),
<other optional level2 arguments>),
<optional polymer arguments>)
for more details...
One option is multiprocessing
, which controls the number of threads available for Polymer processing (by default, multiprocessing is disactivated). To activate the processing on as many threads as there are cores on the CPU, pass the value -1
run_atm_corr(..., multiprocessing=-1)
This option controls the parallelization of the core Polymer processing. However, Polymer relies on numpy, which can also use parallel processing, and results in a moderate usage of multiple cores. To also disactivate numpy multiprocessing, you can pass the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
(or use the threadpoolctl library)
The credentials for accessing NASA ancillary data should be provided in your ~/.netrc file:
cd ~
touch .netrc
echo "machine login uid_goes_here password password_goes_here" > .netrc
chmod 0600 .netrc
More information here:
Ancillary data (ozone total column, wind speed, surface pressure) can be provided to the level1 class through the class Ancillary_NASA (NASA files in hdf4 format):
from polymer.ancillary import Ancillary_NASA
Level1(<filename>, ancillary=Ancillary_NASA())
NOTE: the class Ancillary_NASA
has default options to automatically download and select
the closest available dataset, in the folder ANCILLARY/METEO/
This folder is initialized with the command make ancillary
or make all
For more information about the optional parameters, please look at the help of
Optionnally, the ancillary data (ozone total column, wind speed, surface pressure) can be provided by ECMWF's global reanalysis ERA-Interim.
The following python modules are necessary to interface Polymer with ERA-Interim: * ecmwf python api client (to download ERA-Interim files on the fly) A ECMWF key is necessary. See * pygrib, to read the ERA-Interim files in grib format.
The ERA-Interim ancillary data is used by passing the class Ancillary_ERA to the parameter ancillary of the Level1.
from polymer.ancillary_era import Ancillary_ERA
Level1(<filename>, ancillary=Ancillary_ERA())
By default, the closest data in time is automatically used, and downloaded on the fly if necessary. For more information, please look at the docstring of Ancillary_ERA.
The ancillary data can also be provided by ECMWF's ERA5 dataset:
The following python modules are required:
- cdsapi. A CDS API key is required. Please see for more details.
- xarray
from polymer.ancillary_era5 import Ancillary_ERA5
Level1(<filename>, ancillary=Ancillary_ERA5())
This section provides information about the supported file formats and sensors.
NOTE: The class Level1
(from polymer.level1 import Level1
) autodetects the file
format and returns the appropriate specific level1 object (Level1_MERIS, Level1_OLCI, etc).
Both FF (reduced resolution) and FR (full resolution) are supported.
from polymer.level1_meris import Level1_MERIS
# optional arguments: sline, eline, ancillary
Both RR and FR are supported. The name of the Level1 product is the name of the directory.
from polymer.level1_olci import Level1_OLCI
# optional arguments: sline, eline, scol, ecol, ancillary
MODIS, SeaWiFS and VIIRS requires Level1C files as input. See next section about Level 1C files for more information.
from polymer.level1_nasa import *
# optional arguments: sline, eline, scol, ecol, ancillary
The name of the level1 product refers to the path to the granule (in the "GRANULE/" directory).
from polymer.level1_msi import Level1_MSI
# optional arguments: sline, eline, ancillary
Polymer supports ascii (CSV) data input from multiple sensors through the level1 class Level1_ASCII.
Level1_NETCDF can be used to read MERIS, OLCI or Sentinel2 products in netCDF4 format, written by SNAP, in particular when used for subsetting.
NASA OBPG L1A and L1B don't include all necessary radiometric corrections.
Thus it is necessary to apply l2gen
with custom options to write the TOA
reflectances into what we call "Level1C" product.
The command line is typically:
l2gen ifile=<level1a> ofile=<level1c> gain="1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1" oformat="netcdf4" l2prod="rhot_nnn polcor_nnn sena senz sola solz latitude longitude"
See tools/
, which is a helper script to generate level 1c products.
The output files can be in format hdf4 or netcdf. They contain the water reflectance (dimensionless, fully-normalized for sun and sensor at nadir) and other self-explanatory parameters.
The Polymer flags are the following:
| Flag name | Flag value | Description |
| LAND | 1 | Land mask |
| CLOUD_BASE | 2 | Polymer's basic cloud mask |
| L1_INVALID | 4 | Invalid level1 pixel |
| NEGATIVE_BB | 8 | (deprecated flag) |
| OUT_OF_BOUNDS | 16 | Retrieved marine parameters are outside |
| | | valid bounds |
| EXCEPTION | 32 | A processing error was encountered |
| THICK_AEROSOL | 64 | Thick aerosol flag |
| HIGH_AIR_MASS | 128 | Air mass exceeds 5 |
| EXTERNAL_MASK | 512 | Pixel was masked using external mask |
| CASE2 | 1024 | Pixel was processed in "case2" mode |
| INCONSISTENCY | 2048 | Inconsistent result was detected |
| | | (atmospheric reflectance out of bounds |
| ANOMALY_RWMOD_BLUE | 4096 | Excessive difference was found at 412nm |
| | | between Rw and Rwmod |
The recommended flagging of output pixels is the following ('&' represents the bitwise AND operator):
| Sensor | Recommended flagging | Notes |
| | (valid pixels) | |
| OLCI | bitmask & 1023 == 0 | |
| | | |
| MSI | bitmask & 1023 == 0 | |
| | | |
| MERIS | bitmask & 1023 == 0 | |
| | | |
| VIIRS | bitmask & 1023 == 0 | Sun glint and bright (cloudy) |
| | and (Rnir<0.1) | pixels are discarded |
| | and (Rgli<0.1) | |
| | | |
| SeaWiFS | bitmask & 1023+2048 == 0 | The INCONSISTENCY flag |
| | | cleans up most noisy pixels |
| | | |
| MODIS | bitmask & 1023+4096 == 0 | The ANOMALY_RWMOD_BLUE removes |
| | | outliers appearing on MODIS |
| | | results at high SZA |
Note: additional cloud masking using IdePix ( is recommended.
This software is available under the Polymer licence v2.0, available in the LICENCE.TXT file.
When acknowledging the use of Polymer for scientific papers, reports etc please cite the following reference:
François Steinmetz, Pierre-Yves Deschamps, and Didier Ramon, "Atmospheric correction in presence of sun glint: application to MERIS", Opt. Express 19, 9783-9800 (2011),
François Steinmetz and Didier Ramon "Sentinel-2 MSI and Sentinel-3 OLCI consistent ocean colour products using POLYMER", Proc. SPIE 10778, Remote Sensing of the Open and Coastal Ocean and Inland Waters, 107780E (30 October 2018);