Learn-Book is a full-stack application where users can save all their resources in a single central place for easy and efficient access. It is also a social media platform where users can interact with each other.
- Users can register and log in using their email.
- Users can add topics and resources within a selected topic (resources can be any url like youtube links or article links).
- Users can view all their topics. If they click on a topic, they can also view all the resources tied to that topic.
- Users edit and delete a resource.
- Users can view other user's resources in the explore page (there is also a search functionality).
- Users can perform tasks on each resource such as like, save, add as your own resource and comment.
- In the comment page, users can comment or reply to other comments. Users can also edit their comment (5 minute limit) or delete their comment.
- Users can view all their saved resources in the saved page.
- Users can click on other people's profile and view their topics and resources.
Users can view their own topics and resources in the home page.
Users can add, edit or delete their own resources.
Users can view other people's resources via explore page. Users can also search based on their interest.
Users can like, save, or comment on other people's resources (you can also add the resource on your own page).
In the comment section, users can comment or reply to a comment. Users can also edit or delete their own comments.
Users can view all their saved resources in the saved page.
Users can view other people's profile.
- Fork this repository, then clone your fork of this repository.
- Install dependencies using the npm install in the front-end directory and back-end directory.
- Start postgresql using psql.
- Create a database in your host machine called "learn-book" with user "labber" and password "labber" on port 5432
- Seed the database in the back-end directory with npm run db:reset and npm run seed.
- Start the web server using the npm start command in the front-end directory. The app will be served at http://localhost:3000/.
- Start the back-end server using the npm run dev command in the back-end directory. The app will be served at http://localhost:3001/.
- React JS
- Bootstrap CSS
- Node JS
- Express
- PostgresSQL
- JSON Web Token