An AAA (Access Authentication & Authorization) Service by Hyperjump
- Golang 1.13
- Make utility
Step 1 Checkout and Install Go-Resource
$ git clone
$ cd go-resource
$ go install
Step 2 Checkout Hansip
$ git clone
$ cd hansip
Step 3 Build and Run
$ make build
Running the app will automatically build.
$ make run
$ make test
If you want to run Hansip from the make file using make run
command, you have to
modify the environment variable in the run
run: build
export AAA_SERVER_HOST=localhost; \
export AAA_SERVER_PORT=8088; \
rm -f $(IMAGE_NAME).app
You can change the import env variable.
If you're running from docker, you should modify the environment variable for the running image.
Variable | Environment Variable | Default | Description |
---|---|---|---| | AAA_SERVER_HOST | localhost | The host name to bind. could be localhost or |
server.port | AAA_SERVER_PORT | 3000 | The host port to listen from |
server.timeout.write | AAA_SERVER_TIMEOUT_WRITE | 15 seconds | Server write timeout | | AAA_SERVER_TIMEOUT_READ | 15 seconds | Server read timeout |
server.timeout.idle | AAA_SERVER_TIMEOUT_IDLE | 60 seconds | Server connection IDLE timeout |
server.timeout.graceshut | AAA_SERVER_TIMEOUT_GRACESHUT | 15 seconds | Server grace shutdown timeout |
setup.admin.enable | AAA_SETUP_ADMIN_ENABLE | false | Enable built in admin account | | AAA_SETUP_ADMIN_EMAIL | admin@hansip | Built in admin email address for authentication |
setup.admin.passphrase | AAA_SETUP_ADMIN_PASSPHRASE | this must be change in the production | Built in admin password for authentication |
token.issuer | AAA_TOKE_ISSUER | | JWT Token issuer value |
token.access.duration | AAA_ACCESS_DURATION | 5 minutes | JWT Access token lifetime |
token.refresh.duration | AAA_REFRESH_DURATION | 1 year | JWT Refresh token lifetime |
token.crypt.key | AAA_TOKEN_CRYPT_KEY | th15mustb3CH@ngedINprodUCT10N | JWT token crypto key |
token.crypt.method | AAA_TOKEN_CRYPT_METHOD | HS512 | JWT token crypto method |
db.type | AAA_DB_TYPE | INMEMORY | Database type. INMEMORY or MYSQL | | AAA_DB_MYSQL_HOST | localhost | MySQL host |
db.mysql.port | AAA_DB_MYSQL_PORT | 3306 | MySQL Port |
db.mysql.user | AAA_DB_MYSQL_USER | user | MySQL User to login |
db.mysql.password | AAA_DB_MYSQL_PASSWORD | password | MySQL Password to login |
db.mysql.database | AAA_DB_MYSQL_DATABASE | hansip | MySQL Database to use |
db.mysql.maxidle | AAA_DB_MYSQL_MAXIDLE | 3 | Maximum connection that can IDLE |
db.mysql.maxopen | AAA_DB_MYSQL_MAXOPEN | 10 | Maximum open connection in the pool |
mailer.type | AAA_MAILER_TYPE | DUMMY | Mailer type. DUMMY or SENDMAIL |
mailer.from | AAA_MAILER_FROM | [email protected] | The email from field | | AAA_MAILER_SENDMAIL_HOST | localhost | Mail server host |
mailer.sendmail.port | AAA_MAILER_SENDMAIL_PORT | 25 | Mail server port |
mailer.sendmail.user | AAA_MAILER_SENDMAIL_USER | sendmail | Mail server user for authentication |
mailer.sendmail.password | AAA_MAILER_SENDMAIL_PASSWORD | password | Mail server password for authentication |
mailer.templates.emailveri.subject | AAA_MAILER_TEMPLATES_EMAILVERI_SUBJECT | Please verify your new Hansip account's email | Email verification subject template |
mailer.templates.emailveri.body | AAA_MAILER_TEMPLATES_EMAILVERI_BODY | <html><body>Dear New Hansip User<br><br>Your new account is ready!<br>please click this <a href=\"{{.ActivationCode}}\">link to activate</a> your account.<br><br>Cordially,<br>HANSIP team</body></html> |
Email verification body template |
mailer.templates.passrecover.subject | AAA_MAILER_TEMPLATES_PASSRECOVER_SUBJECT | Passphrase recovery instruction | Password recovery email subject template |
mailer.templates.passrecover.body | AAA_MAILER_TEMPLATES_PASSRECOVER_BODY | <html><body>Dear Hansip User<br><br>To recover your passphrase<br>please click this <a href=\"{{.RecoveryCode}}\">link to change your passphrase</a>.<br><br>Cordially,<br>HANSIP team</body></html> |
Password recovery email body template |
server.http.cors.enable | AAA_SERVER_HTTP_CORS_ENABLE | true | To enable or disable CORS handling | | AAA_SERVER_HTTP_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS | * | Indicates whether the response can be shared with requesting code from the given origin. |
server.http.cors.allow.credential | AAA_SERVER_HTTP_CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIAL | true | response header tells browsers whether to expose the response to frontend JavaScript code when the request's credentials mode (Request.credentials ) is include |
server.http.cors.allow.method | AAA_SERVER_HTTP_CORS_ALLOW_METHOD | GET,PUT,DELETE,POST,OPTIONS | response header specifies the method or methods allowed when accessing the resource in response to a preflight request. |
server.http.cors.allow.headers | AAA_SERVER_HTTP_CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS | Accept,Authorization,Content-Type,X-CSRF-TOKEN,Accept-Encoding,X-Forwarded-For,X-Real-IP,X-Request-ID | response header is used in response to a preflight request which includes the Access-Control-Request-Headers to indicate which HTTP headers can be used during the actual request. | | AAA_SERVER_HTTP_CORS_EXPOSED_HEADERS | * | response header indicates which headers can be exposed as part of the response by listing their names. |
server.http.cors.optionpassthrough | AAA_SERVER_HTTP_CORS_OPTIONPASSTHROUGH | true | Indicates that the OPTIONS method should be handled by server |
server.http.cors.maxage | AAA_SERVER_HTTP_CORS_MAXAGE | 300 | response header indicates how long the results of a preflight request (that is the information contained in the Access-Control-Allow-Methods and Access-Control-Allow-Headers headers) can be cached |
After you have run the server, you can access the API Doc at