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Android Hypertrace - Kotlin implementation of OpenTrace by Hyperjump

Kotlin OpenTrace implementation based on BlueTrace specification. Example app is available in example module.

Table of Content


  • Android API level 23+ (Android M)
  • Kotlin 1.5.31
  • A device with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) support.
  • This SDK requires the application be granted following permissions:
    • android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
    • android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
    • android.permission.BLUETOOTH
  • A running implementation of Hypertrace server.


  1. Add jitpack repository to your project's build.gradle file
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
  1. Add Hypertrace to your dependencies, change x.y.z below to version in the release page.
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.hyperjumptech:hypertrace-android-sdk:x.y.z'

Running tests

The current state of the project only has instrumented tests. To run it, you need a connected android emulator or device and run the command below.

./gradlew hypertrace:connectedDebugAndroidTest --stacktrace

How to use

Start background service

val config = HypertraceSdk.Config()
Available configuration
Field Type Description Mandatory Default
notificationChannelCreator Function Kotlin higher-order function for SDK to create android notification channel. (Required for API level 26 / Android O). YES -
foregroundNotificationCreator Function Kotlin higher-order function for SDK to create notification when service is actively running. YES -
bluetoothFailedNotificationCreator Function Kotlin higher-order function for SDK to create notification when service fails to access bluetooth and location permissions. YES -
userId string Main application's user ID. Must be 21 characters. YES -
organization string Application's organization name. Typically, this is a combination of COUNTRY_CODE and short organization name. YES -
baseUrl string URL for Hypertrace server implementation. Must end with slash / character. YES -
bleServiceUuid string BLE service UUID. Must be a valid UUID. YES -
bleCharacteristicUuid string BLE characteristic UUID. Must be a valid UUID. YES -
debug boolean Enable showing street pass list and bluetooth scanning activity NO -
keepAliveService boolean If true, Hypertrace will try to restart service everytime it is killed. NO false
scanDuration long Duration of each bluetooth scan action in miliseconds. Default to 10 seconds. NO 10_000
minScanInterval long Minimum scan interval in miliseconds. Randomized between minScanInterval and maxScanInterval. Default to 30 seconds. NO 30_000
maxScanInterval long Maximum scan interval in miliseconds. Randomized between minScanInterval and maxScanInterval. Default to 40 seconds. NO 40_000
advertising Config.Advertising Hypertrace configuration for advertising's duration and interval. Default to Advertising.Enable NO Advertising.Enable(duration = 180_000, interval = 6_000)
purgeRecordInterval long Interval between purge action of encounter's records in miliseconds. Default to 24 hours. NO 86_400_000
recordTTL long The lifetime of encounter's records in miliseconds. Default to 21 days. NO 1_814_400_000
maxPeripheralQueueTime long Maximum time of a peripheral to wait to be processed in miliseconds. Default to 10 seconds. NO 10_000
deviceConnectionTimeout long Maximum time of a peripheral read-write action in miliseconds. Default to 6 seconds. NO 6_000
deviceBlacklistDuration long Maximum time of a device to be blacklisted time in miliseconds. Default to 1.5 minutes. NO 90_000
temporaryIdCheckInterval long Interval between temporary IDs' supply check miliseconds. Default to 10 minutes. NO 600_000
bluetoothServiceHeartBeat long Interval between OpenTrace bluetooth service check miliseconds. Default to 15 minutes. NO 900_000
certificatePinner CertificatePinner Helper for certificate pinning provided by OkHttp. See Security Enhancements. NO null
okHttpConfig OkHttpClient.Builder For a complete control of SDK's OkHttpClient. NO null

Stop background service

stopService will stop Hypertrace background service.


Get handshake PIN

getHandshakePin will fetch a PIN from server for identification from authority.

Return: String, handshake PIN.

Throw: Exception on failures.


Upload contact encounter

uploadEncounterRecords will upload recorded BLE encounters in local to server.

Return: Unit / void.

Throw: Exception on failures.


  • secret: temporary password provided by authority.
HypertraceSdk.uploadEncounterRecords(secret, onSuccess = {}, onError = {})

Count encounter

countEncounters will return encounter record count. By default, this method only count the expired records, respective to recordTTL. See configuration. Param: before, timestamp in millis. Return: Record count before given timestamp, recordTTL by default.

Remove encounter

removeEncounters will delete encounter records. By default, this method only delete expired records, respective to recordTTL. See configuration.

Param: before, timestamp in millis. Return: Unit / void.

Compatibility with Hypertrace iOS SDK

For compatibility with Hypertrace iOS SDK, bleServiceUuid and bleCharacteristicUuid must be identical to their corresponding iOS configuration.


Hypertrace SDK provides the following classes for debugging purposes:

  • tech.hyperjump.hypertrace.scandebug.ScanDebugActivity for bluetooth scanning status.
  • tech.hyperjump.hypertrace.scandebug.StreetPassDebugActivity for contact tracing records in local.


  • Foreground service get killed when app is paused on device model XXX.

    For non-AOSP users, you need to whitelist the application from OS' power manager. For further information, please refer to Don't Kill My App website.

Protocol Version

Protocol version used should be 2 (or above) Version 1 of the protocol has been deprecated

Security Enhancements

Hypertrace uses OkHttp v4.x under the hood. We provide configurable certificate pinner, for implementation, refer to CertificatePinner documentation.

Statement from Google

The following is a statement from Google: "At Google Play we take our responsibility to provide accurate and relevant information for our users very seriously. For that reason, we are currently only approving apps that reference COVID-19 or related terms in their store listing if the app is published, commissioned, or authorized by an official government entity or public health organization, and the app does not contain any monetization mechanisms such as ads, in-app products, or in-app donations. This includes references in places such as the app title, description, release notes, or screenshots. For more information visit"



  • First release.