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Releases: hyperledger-labs/perun-node

Release v0.6.2

22 Dec 09:18
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Release v0.6.2 Pre-release

perun-node v0.6.2 is a patch release that upgrades the versions of go-perun, go-ethereum libraries; and go.

For detailed information on changes covered in the release, see the issue #232.

Release v0.6.1

18 Aug 08:47
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Release v0.6.1 Pre-release

perun-node v0.6.1 is a patch release that fixes issues reported by repolinter.

For detailed information on changes covered in the release, see the pull request #222.

Release v0.6.0

08 Jul 13:56
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Release v0.6.0 Pre-release

perun-node v0.6.0 is a regular development release.

Newly added:

  1. Implemented a new app with text based UI (TUI) for trying out perun-node.
  2. Validate contracts during node initialization.
  3. Added an example for directly using the payment API by importing perun-node module.
    See app/payment/payment_test.go.
  4. Updated the payment API to allow use of ERC20 token as currency.
    • A channel can be opened with balances in more than one currencies.
    • Multiple payments involving different currencies can be made in a single API call.
    • Asset contracts for ERC20 tokens can be specified in node config file or registered via API.


  1. Improved error handling. The errors returned by API provide a rich context and necessary data in structured format for easy error handling.
  2. Use structured logging. Request and response (success or error) are logged in a structured format for each API call.
  3. Use weak (scrypt) encryption parameters for ethereum keystore wallets by default. This makes the open session action in tests and in CLI/TUI apps to be much faster.

For detailed information on changes covered in the release, see the milestone 12.

Release v0.5.0

18 Dec 15:07
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Release v0.5.0 Pre-release

perun-node v0.5.0 is a regular development release.

Newly added:

  1. Support for payment requests. User can send (decrease own balance) or request (increase own balance) money when sending state channel updates.
  2. Support for running integration tests in Circle CI continuous integration pipeline.


  1. Added unit tests in session package. Previously only integration tests was implemented in this package.
  2. Channel logger is now derived from session logger. So each log entry for the channel also includes the fields registered on session logger. (currently it is only session-id).
  3. Re-organized definition of configuration parameters used in tests for easier maintenance and update.

For detailed information on changes covered in the release, see the milestone 11.

Release v0.4.0

19 Oct 17:25
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Release v0.4.0 Pre-release

perun-node v0.4.0 is the first regular development release after complete re-implementation done in v0.3.0.

Newly added:

  1. perunnode executable binary for running an instance of perun node.
  2. perunnodecli interactive applicaton as reference client implementation for connecting to perun node.
  3. Implemented option to close a session.
  4. Support for persistence. Close a session with open channels, restore it later and transact on the restored channels.


  1. Updated go-perun dependency to include the following changes:
    • Channel nonce is created from randomness contributed from both participants of the channel.
    • Use of transactor interface abstraction for initializing contract backend.
  2. Updated payment channel API to use consistent data formats.
  3. Combined channel close subscription and channel update subscription into one.

For detailed information on changes covered in the release, see the milestone 10.

Release v0.3.0

26 Aug 08:12
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Release v0.3.0 Pre-release

perun-node v0.3.0 is a complete re-implementation of the previous version (project name changed from dst-go to perun-node). This version uses the go-perun SDK that implements a state
channel client based on perun protocol and builds other functionalities on top of that.

The following features are included:

  1. Ethereum backend for blockchain.
  2. Key management using ethereum keystore.
  3. YAML file based contacts provider.
  4. Session (as an abstraction) for enabling multiple users use the same node with dedicated contacts provider and key manager.
  5. Two party payment channel API for the user over gRPC protocol.

For detailed information on changes covered in the release, see these milestones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Release v0.2.0

05 May 11:33
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Release v0.2.0 Pre-release

dst-go v0.2.0 is the second regular development release.

Changes included :

  • Refactor channel package into smaller ones (based on functionality), so that the different parts can be modified and developed independently
  • Add tests in logger module, to check if the messages are logged as expected.
  • Move linting job from to circleci system.

For detailed information on changes covered in the release, see this milestone.

Release v0.1.0

21 Jan 12:22
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Release v0.1.0 Pre-release

dst-go v0.1.0 is the first regular development release.

Changes included :

  • Migrate dependency management system from "govendor" to "go modules".
  • Migrate linter from "gometalinter" to "golangci-lint".
  • Fix unsafe handling of incoming channel packets.

For detailed information on changes covered in the release, see this milestone.