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API for internet voting in the elections of the University of Helsinki and HYY


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HYY Voting API (Rails / Grape)

API backend for the HYY Voting Service.

Has Voting-frontend included as a git submodule in public/ folder.

API endpoints per 11/2020 are the following (rake grape:routes):

VERB URI Description
GET /api/elections/:election_id/voting_right(.json) Tells whether user can cast a vote in current election
POST /api/elections/:election_id/vote(.json) Cast a vote for a candidate
GET /api/elections/:election_id/coalitions(.json) Get coalitions, include candidates using :with_candidates=true
GET /api/elections/:election_id/alliances(.json) Get alliances for an election
GET /api/elections/:election_id/candidates(.json) Get all candidates for an election
POST /api/sessions(.json) Grant a new session JWT
GET /api/pling(.json) Returns public plong.
GET /api/export/elections/:election_id/summary(.json) GET metadata of current election
GET /api/export/elections/:election_id/votes(.:format) GET votes of current election
POST /api/sessions/link(.json) Send a sign-in link for the voter.
POST /api/elections/:election_id/voters(.json) Create a new voter
GET /api/elections/:election_id/voters(.json) List voters created after elections have started
GET /api/public/elections/:election_id/voting_percentage(.json) GET voting percentage rounded to one decimal.
GET /api/stats/votes_by_hour(.json) GET voting percentage by hour [1]
GET /api/stats/votes_by_faculty(.json) GET voting percentage by faculty [2]
GET /api/stats/votes_by_voter_start_year(.json) GET voting percentage by voter start year

[1] = Data should be published with a delay during the elections. [2] = Returns vote count per faculty as 0 during the elections.

Access Levels and Authorization

Permissions to API endpoints are defined in app/models/ability.rb.

User types explained:

  • Unauthenticated user

    • app/models/guest_user.rb
    • Any user who does not provide a valid JWT API Token.
    • Can create a new JWT session token.
  • Authenticated voter

    • app/models/user.rb represents info in the JWT API Token.
    • app/models/voter.rb represents the actor behind User.
    • A voter who has completed either a Haka authentication or provides a Sign In Link which is sent by email.
    • Can cast a vote.
    • Can access information related to the elections.
  • Authenticated backend service

    • app/models/service_user.rb
    • A trusted backend service (eg. Vaalitulostin).
    • Can create voters during the election.
    • Can email a Sign In Token to a Voter created during the elections.
    • Can export votes after the elections.
    • Can fetch statistics during the election.


Install Ruby Version Manager (RVM).

  • After RVM is installed, re-enter the project directory in order to apply .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset.
  • If all is good, config in above mentioned files matches with:
    • gem env
    • which ruby

Install correct version of ruby (cat .ruby-version)

  • rvm install N.N.N --with-openssl-dir=$(brew --prefix openssl@3)
  • The --with-openssl-dir is needed if both OpenSSL 1 and 3 versions are installed

Retrieve the distribution of voting-frontend (needed for production use only):

  • git submodule update --init
  • This installs a static copy of voting-frontend distribution to public/
  • To update the submodule after building a new distribution of the voting-frontend, run
    • cd public && git pull origin master

Set up local version of the voting-frontend which will be run in a different port than the Rails server. Note that there are two different Frontend repositories: hyy-voting-frontend (source code) and hyy-voting-frontend-dist (the compiled distribution).

Install Gem dependencies:

  • gem install bundler (needs only be done once)
  • bundle install

Configure .env

  • cp .env.example .env

Copy example certificates for use with Haka-test:

  • cp -r doc/examples/haka-test cert
  • These can be used with the federated Haka-test environment for authentication.
  • Haka-test examples are registered in the federated Haka-test environment for localhost usage. Haka-test will redirect to after a successful login.
  • Open local-ssl-proxy --source 3001 --target 3999 to redirect SSL connection from Haka-test to the development web server which is running without SSL.

Quick setup for dev database:

  • rake db:runts

a) Insert demo seed data from HYY 2009 Elections

  • rake db:seed:edari:demo

b) Insert seed data in which you have exported from Ehdokastietojärjestelmä

  • bin/seed-edari heroku
  • bin/seed-edari local

c) Create a blank Election for testing

  • rake db:seed:edari:election

Manual setup for dev database:

rake db:create
rake db:schema:load

# List available seed tasks
rake -T db:seed

Start services on the local machine

Start web server:

  • rails s

Sign in

Example user without Haka-test

  • Generate a sign-in link
    • rake jwt:voter:generate voter_id=1 expiry_hours=1000
    • voter_id:1 == [email protected]
    • See rails c and Voter.all

Example user from Haka-test

  • Create a Voter for Teppo Testaaja with student number "x8734"

  • Open an SSL tunnel in order to sign in with a Haka test account:

    • npm install -g local-ssl-proxy
    • local-ssl-proxy --source 3001 --target 3000
    • Target PORT is either 3000 in development (.env) or 3999 in test (.env.test)
  • Open

  • Haka test user "teppo", password "testaaja"

    • Browser will display an SSL certificate error for "localhost", just skip it.
    • Haka certificate may have changed (expired) if signing in fails because of a SAML error, for example with Invalid SAML response: ["Invalid Signature on SAML Response"]
    • Check further instructions under Haka knowledge base

You may now open and sign in as Haka test user teppo/testaaja.

Start worker defined in Procfile: foreman run worker


Web server logs

  • tail -f log/development.log

Email messages

A mock version of any sent email is automatically displayed when the worker is running:

  • foreman run worker

List API endpoints:

  • Rails routes: rake routes
  • API Routes: rake grape:routes

Generate a sample JWT authorization token

ServiceUser (for internal services, eg. Vaalitulostin)

  • rake jwt:service_user:generate [expiry_hours=24] [payload=anything]

Voter (person who accesses the frontend)

  • rake jwt:voter:generate [expiry_hours=24] [voter_id=1]

Verify token contents:

  • rake jwt:service_user:verify jwt=JWT_TOKEN
  • rake jwt:voter:verify jwt=JWT_TOKEN


  • heroku run rake jwt:voter:generate voter_id=1

Configure your Editor:


  • Test with Chrome:

    • Install Chrome
    • Install Chromedriver
    • Mac: brew update && brew install chromedriver
  • To test with Firefox:

    • Install Firefox
    • Install Geckodriver
    • Browser tests to Haka auth fail with Firefox due to SSL certificate error. See spec_helper for details.
  • Run tests and Watch changes: guard

  • Run tests once (provide filename to run an individual test): rspec

  • You may run a specific test using focus: true in the test description.

    • You can also use aliases fit, fcontext and fdescribe respectively.
  • To run Haka browser tests:

    • npm install -g local-ssl-proxy
    • local-ssl-proxy --source 3001 --target 3000
    • NOTE: If the Haka authentication browser fails because of Mozilla security exception, you'll need to manually add to the Firefox security whitelist. Certificate Error page > Advanced > Add Exception >
    • Haka local test endpoint is registered as in


Dump database

pg_dump -d $(heroku config:get DATABASE_URL --app hyy-vaalit) -c -O -f dump.sql
psql -d hyy_api_development -f dump.sql

Environment variables

Configure environment values at once:

  • cp .env.example .env.deploy
  • edit .env.deploy
  • Run bin/ .env.deploy

Multiline values (certificates) should be set as follows: heroku config:set SOME_CERT="$(cat cert.pem)"

Sending Email via Amazon SES

  • Start creating an Amazon SES configuration by verifying your domain in AWS SES. The verification process will take up 24-72 hours. Follow the instructions in AWS Console.

  • Create an AWS IAM user with eg. full AWS SES privileges. Create an API key for this IAM user.

  • Configure the environment variables prefixed with "AWS_SES".

  • Notice that each AWS SES configuration is region based, so you'll need to verify your email domain in each region separately. Region is selected by AWS_SES_REGION environment variable.

  • ActionMailer is configured to use AWS SES in config/production.rb: config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :aws_sdk

  • See also config/initializers/aws_ses.rb


  • A great app for exploring the development Postgresql database is Postico.

  • Reset your voting right to vote multiple times:

    • VotingRight.find(X).update! used: false
  • SessionLink#deliver() will send email during HTTP request. This could be made to happen in the background.

  • Sending a sign in link manually from console:

    • voter = Voter.find_by(email: '[email protected]')
  • Error with Capybara tests: "unable to obtain stable firefox connection in 60 seconds ("

    • Update Selenium, Firefox or Geckodriver so that the combination of their versions works.
  • If you get any OpenSSL error about the certificates, double check the line endings. Use eg. puts Vaalit::Haka::SAML_IDP_CERT in rails console to see that all lines have equal width.

    • example error: OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError: nested asn1 error
    • Try in rails console:
# This should print "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n[....]-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
# Ensure there is a newline in `-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n`
cert ="cert/haka-test.crt")

# Check that every line width is equal
puts cert

# Check if OpenSSL can open the certificate
# Use ` rsa_key` for a private key cert

Testing in Heroku

  • Set Heroku environment variables with newlines (ie. certificates) using:

    • heroku config:add SOME_CERT="$(cat cert.pem)"
    • WONT WORK: heroku config:set XYZ="has\nnewlines", it will mess up \n to \\n.
  • Reset Heroku database:

    • heroku pg:reset DATABASE
    • heroku run rake db:schema:load
  • A) Seed using data from Ehdokastietojärjestelmä

    • heroku run rake db:seed:common

    bin/seed-heroku (see also: bin/seed-local)

    • Seed voters:
        1. Convert importable voter data into UTF-8. Isolatin data cannot be passed over heroku command.
      • 2a) text: heroku run --no-tty rake db:seed:edari:voters_and_voting_rights < voters.txt
      • 2b) csv: heroku run --no-tty rake db:seed:edari:voters_and_voting_rights:csv < voters.csv
    • Example seeds are available in the admin dashboard of Ehdokastietojärjestelmä
    • Production seed data is loaded to Heroku
      • a) from interactive terminal (copy-paste data and press ^D):

        • heroku run rake db:seed:edari:candidates
      • b) with --no-tty and < filename

        • heroku run --no-tty rake db:seed:edari:candidates < candidates.csv.
  • B) Seed demo data without votes:

    • heroku run rake db:seed:edari:demo
  • Generate a login token:

    • heroku run rake jwt:voter:generate expiry_hours=1000 voter_id=1
  • Access console: heroku console

  • Access logs: heroku logs --tail

Importing Voters

  • Obtain a copy of voters from the University.
  • Convert file to UTF8 (Open in Sublime > Save in Encoding > UTF8).
  • File is expected to be either in CSV (ImportedCsvVoter) or text format (ImportedTextVoter).
  • See also "Testing in Heroku", notice the requirement about heroku run --no-tty


API for internet voting in the elections of the University of Helsinki and HYY







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  • Ruby 94.0%
  • HTML 4.2%
  • Shell 1.2%
  • Other 0.6%