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Output data format

Jan Stephan edited this page Dec 2, 2016 · 3 revisions

Dresden Binary Volume Format


  • Bytes 0 - 3: the ddbvf identifier (0xEFDDDAFA). This identifier can also be used for determining the file's endianness.
  • Bytes 4 - 5: the file format version number (currently 0x0010).
  • Bytes 6 - 9: data dimension (x)
  • Bytes 10 - 13: data dimension (y)
  • Bytes 14 - 17: data dimension (z)
  • Bytes 18 - 21: offset to the first image (relative to the end of the offset information, i.e. Byte 22)
  • Bytes 22 - 31: reserved for future use


Data is layed out in a straightforward way, there are no offsets between rows or individual slices. The data format is the machine's native float format (usually 32-bit) where '0' means black and '1' means white.

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