Blockchain Developer, Smart Contract, & Solidity Career Path - Powered By AI - Beginner to Expert Course | Foundry Edition 2023
I know that README's don't have this purpose, but I must say:
This is, by far, the greatest course I've ever taken and I truly encourage you to take it too.
I finished in a week. Collins made me feel embarrassed in every single video but in a good way. I've just finished and still haven't practiced as I should, but I'm already feeling 1e18x better than I was before started it.
Trust me, I have a real beard. I can't lie to you. You can access here.
Lesson 11: Foundry NFTs | MoodNFT
- Introduction
- What is an NFT?
- Foundry Setup
- Using IPFS
- Basic NFT: Deploy Script
- Basic NFT: Tests
- Basic NFT: Interactions
- Basic NFT: Testnet Demo
- The issue with IPFS & HTTPS TokenURI NFTs
- What is an SVG?
- SVG NFT: Introduction
- SVG NFT: Encoding the NFT
- SVG NFT: Flipping the mood
- SVG NFT: Deploy Script
- SVG NFT: Debugging practice & some notes
- SVG NFT: Anvil Demo
- Advanced: EVM Opcodes, Encoding, and Calling
- Verifying Metamask Transactions
- Filecoin & Arweave
Lesson 12: Foundry DeFi | Stablecoin (The PINNACLE PROJECT!! GET HERE!)
- What is DeFi?
- Code Walkthrough
- What is a stablecoin (But actually)
- DecentralizedStableCoin.sol
- DSCEngine.sol Setup
- Deposit Collateral
- Mint DSC
- Testing while developing
- depositCollateralAndMintDsc
- redeemCollateral
- Liquidate
- Leveling up your testing skillz
- Challenge: Code coverage above 80% for DSCEngine.sol
- Fuzz (Invariant) Testing
- Open-based Fuzz tests
- Handler-based Fuzz tests
- Price Feed Handling
- OracleLib
- Note on audit preparedness
- Recap
- Lens Protocol