Especially in the time of COVID-19, it's been hard to stay in touch with friends, and easy to get depressed. This discord bot allows you to send and recieve virtual hugs with cute gifs. Sending a hug to your friend is a fun way to make their day, as well as to stay in touch!
Add it to your server here!
If you need more info or have a question, check out the discord server here, but know that I'm pretty much the only person on there.
Use !hug @mention to hug a friend! As of now, you can only hug one friend at a time; you cannot hug an entire role.
Hug bot will then send a message and a hugging gif.
You might be wondering why you need to add a seperate bot just for hugs, instead of just using owo hug. This hug bot is essential to your server because it adds a cute gif and comment, instead of just person a hugs person b. The gif and comment make the hug way more wholesome, cute, and exciting! It also uses a person's nickname, not their username, which is essential in servers where people have nicknames.
All programming is by me, and all of the gifs are from milk and mocha or peach and goma.