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How to use the released version on windows?

Zhixin Piao edited this page Dec 23, 2020 · 3 revisions

1. Download the released package


2. Usage

uncompress it and open a terminal (Powershell, Windows Terminal, etc.) in this folder:


try the following command to run a trump demo:

.\motion_imitate.exe --gpu_ids 0 --image_size 512  --num_source 2 `
--output_dir "./results" --assets_dir "./assets" `
--model_id   "donald_trump_2" `
--src_path "path?=./assets/samples/sources/donald_trump_2/00000.PNG,name?=donald_trump_2" `
--ref_path "path?=./assets/samples/references/akun_2.mp4,name?=akun_2,pose_fc?=300"

Notice that imags_size=512 need at least 9.8GB GPU memory. if you are using a middle-level GPU(e.g. RTX 2060), you should change the image_size to 384 or 256. The following table can be used as a reference:

image_size preprocess personalize run_imitator recommended gpu
256x256 3.1 GB 4.3 GB 1.1 GB RTX 2060 / RTX 2070
384x384 3.1 GB 7.9 GB 1.5 GB GTX 1080Ti / RTX 2080Ti / Titan Xp
512x512 3.1 GB 9.8 GB 2 GB GTX 1080Ti / RTX 2080Ti / Titan Xp
1024x1024 3.1 GB 20 GB - RTX Titan / P40 / V100 32G

3. Result

Once the program runs successfully, all the results will be saved in output_dir ("./results" in this case).

you can change the src_path and ref_path to make videos of any person and any action you want. enjoy it 😊!

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