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How To Deploy On Railway.App

Sunil Kumar edited this page Aug 17, 2021 · 5 revisions is a new platform that provides really good free service and a suitable platform for search bot. Here are simple steps you can follow to deploy the app on

  1. Import this repo as private (Don't fork cause forks aren't private & we need it to be private since we are gonna put creds. in it)
  2. Upload ur credentials.json & token.pickle to this private import.
  3. Edit the authorized_chats.txt ,Remove the instruction line starting with # and fill chat ids and user ids , whom you wanna give access. Example👇


  1. Edit the drive_folder, remove the instruction line starting # and fill drive name, dive id , index url. Give space in between and fill one per line. Example 👇 Example

  2. Edit config.env, add your bot token, owner id & telegraph token.

  3. Now go to, Signup up using github,so it will super easy to deploy.

  4. Click on create a new project, select deploy from repo, type the name of private repo u just imported and edited and boom.... Bot deployed, Enjoy.

The good thing about is there is no dyno system so it always runs, and it is connected to github repo , so whatever changes you make in repo , they are gonna reflect instantly in your bot.

If u are trying to deploy on heroku or vps. Guide is added aswell.

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